What to do if your BRP card is lost/stolen overseas 境外丢失BRP卡该怎么办

2017年07月12日 伦敦国王学院

A lot of our students are finishing academic programmes by now and some of you may plan to travel outside the UK to enjoy this lovely summer. 

We hope you all enjoy your time and would also remind you when you are on your trip

  • Please try not to display valuables and money, and be aware thieves can be around tourist attractions;

  • Please keep your important documents safe including your passport and BRP card. If possible, please avoid carrying these documents all over the places. It is best to leave your passport and BRP cards in your hotel/hostel/B&B.

  • If you have to carry passport and/or BRP with you, please try to separate them so that in the worst case scenario, they are not gone together. It is also suggested to have scans/copies of BRP cards and passports with you.

  • Please request a Study Confirmation Letter from the Compass which is located in all King’s libraries before your leave London.


However, we do understand sometimes unfortunate things happen, and if your BRP card is no longer with you, you cannot travel back to the UK. You will need to follow the below steps to have a replacement travel visa to return to the UK and then apply for a new BRP card.

1.  Report to the UKVI onlinethat your BRP card is lost here https://www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-permits/lost-stolen-damaged    

2.   Report tothe local police in where you have lost your visa. You need to obtain a policereport from them. This is important and please keep the original report asyou will need this report for your temporary travel document and replacement BRP application.

3.   Apply for a “Replacement BRP Temporary Vignette” online here: https://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk/account/register  

This application will cost £169, once you have submitted the online form you will need to book an appointment to take the coversheet, together with yourpassport, copy of your lost/stolen BRP and police report to the nearest Visa Application Centre depending on which city you are in following the list https://www.gov.uk/find-a-visa-application-centre

Please note that these visa applications can take up to 3 weeks to be processed and during this time you will need to remain in the place where you apply for the BRP replacement vignette. You may wish to pay extra for “Priority Visa Service” which is a value added option to enable your application to be processed within 5 working days. 

4. Once you have been issued the Temporary Vignette you can use this along with your passport to travel back to the UK. 

5. Upon your return to the UK, you will need to apply for a replacement BRP card within 1 month.  To do this you will need to complete the following application form https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/application-for-a-replacement-biometric-residence-permit-brprc and send this, together with supporting documents to the UKVI.   

Again, we hope none of the above will be applicable to you,  but please do not panic if this happens. Applying for BRP replacement vignette can take time and if in the middle of this process you need assistance, you can always find us via visasupport@kcl.ac.uk

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