​ CISH Kindergarten Fire Truck | CISH幼儿园消防演示课

2017年12月07日 合肥加拿大国际学校

K 3-s are about to finish learning about community helpers from our 2nd unit ‘How we organize ourselves’. Here the students were exposed to fire fighters, the truck and their equipment.      


It gave us all a chance to interact and work with our special guests of the day as well as other kindergarten and grade 1 students.  


A very well-equipped fire truck arrived on 28th November in the afternoon and the team of fire fighters made a demonstration of the way they take action each time when someone is in need. 


They rolled the fire ladder up and down, turned the siren on and off, presented the fire fighter’s tools and provided the students with useful information about being safe at home. 


They explained their roles and responsibilities as fire fighters (community helpers) on how to intervene in dangerous situations to save lives. 


In addition, all of us learned how to prevent a fire and what everyone should do in case of a fire.  


A big THANK YOU to everyone who made this happen: Mr. Gonzales, Mr. Chen, the fire fighters and all of our team!

特别感谢所有的组织活动的老师们:Mr. Gonzales, Mr. Chen, 消防对员们和所有参与活动的人!

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