
2014年10月31日 无忧小雅哥

The diagrams illustrate the changes made to the ‘school’ over the past 10 years.

(转述题目内容,Task 1的常规开头)

Overall, it is clear that functional and support areas of the ‘school’ have been shuffled around to place emphasis on the expanded café.

(直接概括说明最明显的改变: 右方的office全部 变成café area;左上的garden变成indoor sports)

Ten years ago, the hall, which seats 100 people, sat at the center of the structure. Adjacent to the southern-side of the hall were four narrow rooms, the cloakroom, reception, a small café and the toilets. In the eastern wing of the building were four separate offices and the kitchen, which were separated by a storage room. Behind the hall was another storage room. A garden and parking space were located to the west of the building.

(描述10yrs前的情况,注意顺序。例文先描述占地面积最大的hall,之后是近门的reception,之后是东面的office,最北面的storage room,最后是西面的garden和parking)

Today, the hall, reception, cloakroom, kitchen and parking areas remain unchanged. The toilets have been relocated to the back storage room. The previous area for the café and toilets has been opened up and turned into a singular office. Likewise, the garden has now been enclosed as an indoor sports area. Finally, the four offices and storage area in the east wing have all been cleared out and turned into the new café, which takes up as much or more space than the hall.

(本段主要陈述现在与过去情况的对比,首先简略提一句没有改变的部分,接下来详细描述显著改变的部分,近门的reception和toilet,西面的indoor sports和东面的offices)

198 Words – 18 minutes

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