
2017年12月07日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中



Film Festival - Appreciation of the excellent film festival


On November 15th, the Second film festival was held by the International Division of Changchun Experimental High school. The film festival is the ten top quality activities of international division.This event was planned by Chad, Canadian principal and the English foreign teacher, which is intended to make students interested in learning English while providing a platform to show their comprehensive ability and teamwork spirit. The excellent performances of the students in the film have impressed everyone present. The wonderful clips show the skills of the international students. In the film, they showed their excellence and the  positive spirit of the students in the international department. Filming is a challenge, but students are not afraid of difficulties. From script design to film shooting and later editing, they have completed this task successfully. The final part of the film also brought a lot of joy to everyone. The pleasing expression, the mischievous movements and the errors of the lines made the students get over the movie festival addiction and got a lot of applause. Let's enjoy the children's work together.


This is a group of ordinary people living in the world, but due to intrusion of a virus, everything becomes abnormal, who do not know which will come first, tomorrow or accident? Can they escape from the clutches of death? Can they survive? Who will bear the burden of saving

the world?

02.Three Missing Girls



When you look at the abyss, the abyss also looks at you.

In the football field, the prisoners' hands are buried under the green field. Behind the sound of reading, the young girl's helpless cry for help is hidden. The seemingly quiet campus is no longer calm, and the three missing girls are silent. The deceitful devil comes, will he still go? They are forced to go on the far road, will they come back?


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