口语原创满分Part 2答案~

2015年03月02日 无忧小雅哥

满分Part 2答案~
尽管近期的口语话题比较稳定了,可是各位小伙伴你们确定每个话题,不论老题新题能准备的好?有些高频出现的老题,比如这一条intelligent person,基本可以认为与a good service难度上难分伯仲。要描述一个聪明的人,肯定要举实例,那么就会涉及到事件的描述;而称赞其聪明的品质,还需运用一些描述一个人品质的词汇。虽然题面简单,但是其中玄机不少~不过烤鸭们不要过分担心,无忧小雅哥早就帮大家整理了一份原创高分的part 2回答,烤鸭们还不快快学起来?

An Intelligent Person
My best friend runs a cars wash business in Melbourne and he’s personally responsible and in charge of everything. (公司经营常用的短语) He is also a professional accountant, so he also helps a lot with things around the car wash, lots of office tasks and anything to do with taxation and income goes through him. Basically he runs the financial wing of his business! 相信很多烤鸭在中学学习英语的时候就接触过一个谚语,是Action speaks louder than words。所以在口语准备中也是一样的道理,多用具体的例子和数据。

Besides running his own business, he is also a part-time student studying science and philosophy and I believe he is very smart and intelligent for handling everything at the same time. He is a very confident and organized man and he is very good at multi-tasking and communicating with others. I mean, it is really hard to study part-time and run your own business full-time without relying on others or having any business partners so I have a lot of respect for him and I think he is naturally very talented and gifted. 这一部分着重从品质和正面评价这一方面展开,是不是用了很多形容词?而且也解释了这位Candidate认为的intelligent具体的标准是什么:good at handling everything at the same time.

Also, since we are classmates, I am well aware of his academic performance. He always gets the highest scores in our classrooms and he has never received a low mark on any major assignments. In the meantime, he supports his family and funds his brother’s college education overseas so I believe he is a very responsible and committed man despite his young age. He is also very humble and generous and doesn't like to show off his wealth to others and that’s another unique personal characteristics that I admire a lot. 本段是补充说明了这位仁兄的学术表现,也是采用了实例+评价的模式,是不是显得感人又可信?

This is why I consider him to be extremely smart and sharp because he has proved this time after time over the past few years since we have been friends and I have no doubt about his future career and life. 最后简短总结一下,结束本题作答。

这么看来,这一题其实也并不是很难说,关键在于烤鸭们要合理地将具体的实例和抽象的评价结合起来,创造一个逻辑清晰,论证合理的Part 2答案。



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4000 申思-听力,阅读

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