
2017年12月11日 环球雅思墨尔本分校

2017年12月份最新《全球版》雅思口语题库预测 [Part One]




1.Name :

What’syour name ? 


2.   Hometown,

Where do you live ? 


The interesting thing of yourhometown ? 


3.   Major/subject 

What’syour major ? 


whatareinteresting things in your subject ? What do you do? what training do youneed for your job ? what training do you need in thefuture ? Do you like yourjob ? Will you continue doing your job ?

4. Work/study:

Doyoustudy or work ?

5.  House/apartment 

Doyoulive in a house or an apartment ? What can you see of the window? 

还要住多久? 到市中心方便么?

Doyouothers visit your home ? what do youusually do when visitor come ? whateventswill you do to entertain friends inyour home ?How do you think of yourhome?  What home do you prefer inthefuture ?

是否喜欢经常搬家?  孩子喜欢搬家么?喜欢变化么?大人跟孩子哪个更能接受变化

6.     Friends

Do you remember your friends in primary school ?why? Are your friends mostwho study with you  what do you do with your friends ? why ? 你和你朋友业余时间做什么?在家时间多久?在家干什么? 你有很多朋友么? 一个最好的朋友好还是很多朋友好? 下课后喜欢做什么? 跟朋友喜欢做什么?

7. Housework

会不会做家务? 什么类型的? 你小时候会做家务么? 你觉得小孩子应该做家务么?最不喜欢的家务?

8. Public transport

Doyou prefer taking the subway or bus ? 

你有没有曾经用交通工具去哪里? 你常用交通工具上班吗? 未来公共交通工具会流行么?会选择单车作为交通工具么?

 Doyou enjoy travelling by bus ? do you like taking buses or underground ?Willyou take bus more often in the future ? why ? In the city where you comefrom,what can be improved to make the bus transportation better ?


9. daily routine

Which would you like to live in routine ? are thereany changes between theroutine of teens and today’s routine ? Do you want todo some changes ? What’s your daily routine ? what’s the differencebetween you and yourteenager’s times ? 


when is yourbesttime in the day ? why ?

10. politeness

Howdo Chinese people show politeness ? what rules of politeness change inChina ? 

中国人polite吗?父母是否教育Polite? 怎样使polite?什么时候要礼貌?现在的中国人的manner和过去有什么变化?  

What’s the most time to bepolite ? who told you to be polite whenyou were a child ?

11. pop star

Whois your pop star ? 


 Have you ever meet him/her ? Do youprefer listening to concert record orgoing to a live show ? Do you want to bea pop star ?  Do you preferconcert oralbum ? Do you see the pop star in person?

12. magazine


13. fruit


14. sunshine:

Doyou like sunshine ? Do you like a place with more sunshine or less sunnyday ?What do you do on sunny days ? 现在有什么跟太阳有关的科技之类的?

15. Jewelry

Doyou like ring or necklace ? why ? 

为什么带jewelry ? 戴珠宝的频率?喜欢什么样的珠宝?你喜欢什么样的首饰?你曾经送过别人首饰吗?你觉得人们为什么戴首饰

16. birthday


17. advertisement


18. history



Doyou prefer email or handwriting?  Dopeople often use email in yourcountry ? Did you ever send an email ? 

你觉得未来Email会越来越普遍么? Doyou usually use emails ? Do people now use emails ? Comparing phonecalls withemails , which one do you prefer ?

20. neighbor


Do you know your neighborswell? What do you think people can do toimprove the quality of life betweenneighbors ?

21: family activities 





Doyou read news through newspaper & internet ? 

 如何获得信息的?喜欢多报纸么?想不想当记者?  你喜欢国内还是国外新闻?会和朋友分享么?频率是多少?考虑过学新闻专业吗?

24 boating

你有坐过船么?未来会不会想自己有艘船? Haveyou ever travelled by boat ?  Do you havean experience on boat?  Do you want toown a boat 



26.rainy day

Doyou like raining days ? why ? Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days?  How often does it rain in your city ? what doyou usually do during therainy days ? Do you take umbrella or raincoat ? 对生活有什么影响?

27.leisure activity





你认为准时重要么?  早到的话会做什么?

30. teenager

Doyou spend a lot of time with teenagers ? what do teenagers in yourcountrysidelike to do ? what is the best part of being a teenager ?  howoften do you stay with teenagers ? what dodo ? 做学生的好坏?

31.Outdoor activities

你喜欢的户外活动? 你想学的户外活动? 喜欢室内活动?

32. travelling



Have you ever bought sth. Depending on advertisement ?  what do youthink of the advertising on theinternet ?  what do you think aboutchildrenlearn from internet ? Do you think internet will replace schools inthe future ?what’s a successful advertising ? ads should be funny or serious ?How do youthink the ads on big screen on buildings ?

34. high school

你喜欢你的high school 么?有没有朋友在学校?还有联系么?Who was yourfavorite high school teacher ? how is your school life? first day in highschool ?

还不赶紧关注雅思姐!明天我们会继续发布Part Two 部分~预祝同学们在今年都能顺利和雅思分手哦!!

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