
2017年12月09日 走遍美国


Sahar Tabar, a 19-year-old woman from Iran, has been the talk of the internet over the last couple of days due to her zombie-like appearance, which is a apparently the result of dozens of cosmetic procedures meant to make her look like Angelina Jolie.

来自伊朗的19岁女生Sahar Tabar在过去的几天里名声传遍互联网,原因就是她像僵尸一样的外表。这显然是几十个整容手术的结果,目的是让她看起来像安吉丽娜·朱莉。

We live in a world where super fans often go under the knife to make themselves look like their idols, Teheran-based Sahar Tabar looks like a real-life character out of a Tim Burton animation. She has in fact been compared to the “Corpse Bride”, and looking at some of her Instagram photos, you can see that the comparison actually makes sense. It’s obvious that the 19-year-old uses makeup and creepy contact lenses to enhance her undead look, but those prominent cheekbones, inflated lips and plastic-like nose seem to be her real features.

如今,铁粉们经常用整容手术来让自己看起来像他们的偶像,而Sahar Tabar看起来就像蒂姆·伯顿动画里的人物的真实再现版。事实上,她已经被比作“僵尸新娘”了,看看她在Instagram上的照片,你会发现这种对比是有道理的。很明显,这位19岁的女孩用化妆和诡异的隐形眼镜来增强她的容貌,使那些突出的颧骨、夸张的嘴唇和像塑料一样的鼻子成了她的特点。

According to Al-Arabiya, Sahar considers herself Angelina Jolie’s biggest fan, and “would do anything” to look like the famous Hollywood actress. She has allegedly undergone around 50 plastic surgery procedures to emulate some of Jolie’s most iconic facial features, like her prominent cheekbones, plump lips and sharp jawline. Only she seems to have gotten a bit carried away in her quest to emulate the look of her favorite celebrity…


And as if all that plastic surgery wasn’t bad enough, Tabar has allegedly also adopted an extreme diet in order to keep her weight at around 40 kilograms. What I find a little suspicious is how different Sahar looks in some of her Instagram pics. Yes, she’s definitely had work done on her nose, lips and jawline, and she’s basically just skin and bones, but her transformation doesn’t look so extreme if she’s not wearing contacts and using makeup to emphasise her features.


This could very well turn out to be the work of a very talented makeup artist, although the weight would be really tough to fake, but for now, we’ll just call it one of the worst transformations in history, on par with that of “Catwoman” Jocelyn Wildenstein. On the upside, Sahar’s bizarre appearance has helped her achieve celebrity status on Instagram, where she currently has over 300,000 followers.






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