
2015年07月08日 墨尔本澳星



From 1 July2015, the applicant who met the primary criteria for the grant of their provisional visa in the Business Innovation stream or the Investor stream can swap roles with their spouse or defacto partner by becoming the primary applicant when applying for the Permanent Business Innovation and Investment visa.This is known as “roleswapping”.To be eligible for the grant of the Permanent Business Innovationand Investment visa, the primary applicant must meet all the visa requirements.

This eligibility does not apply to applicants for the Significant Investor stream orthe Premium Investor stream.

Applicants who currently hold a visa in the Business Innovation stream or the Investor stream, are also eligible to “roles wap” when applying for the Permanent Business Innovation visa or Investor visa,provided that their spouse or defacto partner can meet all of the visa requirements for the Permanent visa.



但是这项政策不适用于重大投资移民(188C 500万类别)或至尊投资移民(PIV1500万类别)。



墨尔本澳星电话:03 9621 1688


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