
2015年09月08日 图南英语

上周末的时候小编的朋友圈被Box Hill广场上,华人自发组织的一次维权行动刷屏了。在大家都在为这次行动叫好的时候,我们想的是,如果你自己在生活中遇到“歧视”问题,应该如何及时应对和妥善处理呢?


“How to deal with racism”

Faith or attitudes about people based on external differences are known as racism. Most racism attacks people of a particular skin color or ethnic group. The occurrences of racism leads to discrimination and sometimes pugnacity. When racism results in hate crimes in a community, it tears the community apart. Some forms of racism are obvious; others are hidden. Remember keep your cool hitting is not the answer, it will just get you into more trouble.

第一句: 给出了Racism的解释

Faith or attitudes about people based on external differences are known as racism.


Most racism attacks people of a particular skin color or ethnic group.

particular skin color/ ethnic group 有色人种、少数民族的表达方法


The occurrences of racism leads to discrimination and sometimes pugnacity.

pugnacity n. a natural disposition to be hostile



When racism results in hate crimes in a community, it tears the community apart.

hate crimes 仇恨犯罪 可以用于犯罪类题目

这句讲出了racism导致的问题,叫做:tears the community apart 分裂社区,自己的写作中,同样也可以说犯罪分裂了社区


Speak up when you hear racist slurs or jokes. People often take no notice to those jokes since they don't know what to say. When you hear the jokes, say something along the lines of this: "Look. Just because I am Asian or black doesn't mean that you can just kick me in the dirt, okay? I am proud of who I am and if you don't like it, keep it to yourself." Be ready with responses when you witness racist language or actions. Take the opportunity to initiate discussion.


· Speak up: say something to defend a person or protest about something, rather than just saying nothing

· 学习一下——当你遇到歧视的时候你应该“说”什么?"Look. Just because I am Asian or black doesn't mean that you can just kick me in the dirt, okay? I am proud of who I am and if you don't like it, keep it to yourself."

当然遇到 Teenager punk gang (土澳熊孩子)的时候是另一番处理方法,在明天的帖子里我们会详细介绍


Be a role model to others. By showing others that you don't tolerate hatred, you encourage others to do the same. Treating others with respect sends the message that no one should be treated unfairly or differently because of who they are. Tell people that you won't let your heritage determine who you are or how you live your life.


·role model 榜样 昨天在Box Hill抗议的倡导者就可以称作“role model”

·tolerate v. allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of ( something that one dislikes or disagrees with) without interference.

·hatred n. intense dislike; hate


Recognize the stereotypes. Identify it in television, books and movies. The outburst of video and computer games provides even more avenues for racism. Contact the people behind racist products and explain your objection. Refuse to fiscally support any business or organization that permits racism.


· stereotype: a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things.These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality.

· outburst:a. sudden release of strong emotion.

· fiscal: a. of or relating to the public treasury or revenues.

fiscally support 表示财政上的支持,这里表示购买


Respect the differences in all populations. While you should be proud of your affiliation in a culture, that does not mean you can disrespect or feel superior to another group.


· affiliate v. officially attach or connect to an organization.

· While you should be proud of your affiliation in a culture, that does not mean you can disrespect or feel superior to another group.



Don't act rudely toward those who are being rude to you. Kill with kindness and try to stay positive! From a historical and social perspective white people are simply more prone to make these mistakes. However, it's important to realize that anyone willing to be a better person will dedicate the time to learn from their mistakes.


· prone:a. likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable.


印象中,每隔一段时间我们就能听说一件有关racism的新闻。起因往往是因为有人被打,一旦被打的人是华人,很快就会有人把事件上升到种族歧视。事实上,我们的确听说过悉尼的学生深夜回家火车上被打,可我们也听说过法国女生在公车上因唱歌声音过大被打。。。当我们听说上周在Box hill华人顾客和店员无故被打,同时也听警察叔叔也说City晚上local也会被打。。。事实上,打人事件往往是随机发生的,事件发生很大程度上和施暴者的家庭背景以及个人教育程度有关。这次事件恐怕谈不上是针对中国移民的问题,而是澳洲普遍存在的一个社会问题。作为受过高等教育的人,当一个事件出来之后,首先要做的是对事件进行分析。如果人云亦云地去喊口号:反“暴力”、反“歧视”,那么也许你和施暴者并没有什么本质上的不同。

生活在海外,我们自己多多少少遇到过歧视的经历,而这种歧视有可能并不仅仅来自于当地人。来说一个我朋友的亲身经历:朋友刚刚来澳洲留学的时候,向房东打听如何在澳洲考驾照、如何买车。结果房东翻了个白眼对朋友说,“你何必在这里买车呢?你如果留不下来,最后就是瞎折腾、浪费钱。”朋友气不过想要争辩一下,没想到房东接着说:“你们这些留学生,英语一个比一个差。就凭这种烂英语,雅思怎么考得出4个7?!考不出英语,还想留下来?!” 房东虽然刻薄,但话中也自有她的一番道理。







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