
2015年11月30日 美国驻华大使馆


Hotel receptionist: Hi, there. How can I help you?

Claire: Well, I’m in town visiting for a few days, and I need to get some things done while I’m here.

Hotel receptionist: Sure. What do you need?

Claire: I need to get my hair cut. I also need to have my new pants hemmed.

Hotel receptionist: OK. Here’s a map of the city. There’s a good hair salon here, which is just a block away. And there’s a tailor right here. Is there anything else?

Claire: Yes. I’ll need to have my car serviced before my long drive home!

Hotel receptionist: No problem. There’s a good mechanic a few blocks away.



  • Hi, there. (嗨,你好啊。) 请注意,在这句招呼语中,“Hi” 用升调而 “there”用降调。

  • Sure 意为“OK”的一种友好的表达方式。

  • Get my hair cut / have my new pants hemmed / have my car serviced. (理发/给新裤子缝边/修车)。请注意,get/have + 宾语 + 动词过去分词是英语的一种表达结构,用来描述别人为自己做的事。“Get” 和 “have” 在这里可以互换。

  • Is there anything else? (你还有别的需要吗?)在这里的意思是“Do you need more information?”(你需要更多的信息吗?)

  • Before my long drive home! (在我开远路回家之前!)请注意“home”一词的重音和语调。说话者想表达幽默感:如果她不让人完成车检,她可能回不了家!她想对前台工作人员显示出友善轻松。

  • No problem (没问题。)在此表示“Don’t worry.”(不要担心。)请注意“No”一词的重读。前台工作人员先是笑起来,然后把“No”一词的发音拖长。这表示她理解,如果车不进行检修就可能半路抛锚。


Learning to speak English? Our Everyday Conversations help you practice. Click the audio link to hear a native speaker pronounce each word while you read. Key terms are explained, in your language, at the end of each conversation. Today’s conversation is about running errands.

Hotel receptionist: Hi, there. How can I help you?

Claire: Well, I’m in town visiting for a few days, and I need to get some things done while I’m here.

Hotel receptionist: Sure. What do you need?

Claire: I need to get my hair cut. I also need to have my new pants hemmed.

Hotel receptionist: OK. Here’s a map of the city. There’s a good hair salon here, which is just a block away. And there’s a tailor right here. Is there anything else?

Claire: Yes. I’ll need to have my car serviced before my long drive home!

Hotel receptionist: No problem. There’s a good mechanic a few blocks away.

Language notes

  • Hi, there. Notice the intonation in this greeting. It rises after “Hi” and falls after “there.”

  • Sure is a friendly expression to mean “OK.”

  • Get my hair cut / have my new pants hemmed / have my car serviced. Notice get/have + object + participle. This structure is used to describe actions that someone else does for us. “Get” and “have” are interchangeable here.

  • Is there anything else? here means “Do you need more information?”

  • Before my long drive home! Notice the emphasis and intonation on “home.” The speaker wants to show humor here. If she doesn’t get her car checked, she might not get home! She wants to be friendly and light with the receptionist.

  • No problem here means “Don’t worry.” Notice the stress on “No.” The receptionist laughs first, then puts emphasis on “No” by lengthening the word. This shows that she understands the car could break down if it doesn’t get serviced.

Ready to learn more English? Our materials can help. And the U.S. Department of State has great resources for English teachers and students of all levels.

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