The Arthouse艺术澳洲西餐两周年庆又要送牛排了!We're Giving Away Steak!

2016年03月16日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材





On our last yearly anniversary we were giving away free steaks. Why change a good thing?! This year we're giving away free steaks again!

时光飞逝,上次周年庆送牛排的时光仿佛还在舌尖,The Arthouse又迎来了新的一个周年庆,依然如故,我们这个月店庆依然送!牛!排!



  1. 凡转发本文章至朋友圈得到128个赞,可免费到店享用价值128元火山石西冷牛排一份,到店出示即可;

  2. 凡添加关注本公共号并转发本文,到店消费任意一份正价牛排,均可送价值128元的西冷牛排赠券,限下次来用。是一个送一个哦!不论是西冷,肉眼,菲力,还是战斧,都是送一份西冷牛排。

  3. 赠券到期日:2016年4月30日

Event Duration: 2016/3/15 - 2016/4/15


  1. Share this article and receive 128 likes, you can enjoy a free Sirloin Steak (250g) to the value of 128RMB. 

  2. Follow our public account, come to the restaurant and buy any type of steak, we'll give you a free Sirloin Steak. That is, buy one get one free. Whether you buy a Ribeye, Fillet or a Ribeye on the bone, all come with a free Sirloin. 

  3. All free steaks vouchers accrued must be used before 2016/4/30.

This is a great opportunity for those that have not yet tried The Arthouse. Although we have art in our restaurant, it does not mean that the art takes priority over the food quality. At the same time, the quality of the art is not affected by our focus on providing excellent quality cuisine. 

作为2015年HELLOCHENGDU评选出来的TOP20最佳外国餐厅,一个MIX & MATCH的最佳诠释地,如果亲们还没有来过,不妨来感受一下,艺术澳洲画廊西餐,并不因艺术而减少的美味,并不因美食而恶俗的艺术。

本店地址 (Chinese Address):成都武侯区高攀东路2号彩云天5楼

English Address: Level 5, Glory House, 2 Gaopan Dong Lu (Sth 2.5 Ring Rd), Wuhou District

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