
2016年06月28日 美国驻华大使馆





有关在美国学习的任何疑问,请访问www.educationusachina.com 与EducationUSA联系或下载其免费手机app。 


#StateEducationInAmerica# - Massachusetts, located in the heart of New England, is the region's most populous state. It is home to over 122 institutions of higher education, including some of the world’s most well-known universities such as Harvard and MIT.

Over 80% of Massachusetts' population lives in the Greater Boston metro area, a region influential to American history and industry. Boston, the capital city of Massachusetts, is one of the world’s greatest centers of collegiate education.

Living in Boston, you will experience one of the oldest cities in the US and get a first-hand glimpse of American history. There are museums, performances, restaurants, bars, clubs, and sporting activities to suit every interest and taste.

For more information about higher education in Massachusetts, please visit: http://www.mass.gov/portal/education/higher-continuing/ 

For any questions about studying in the United States, please contact EducationUSA at www.educationusachina.com or download their free mobile APP.

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