
2016年06月30日 新西兰好健康

Women are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infections (UTI).  In fact 1 in 4 women will go through this at least one time in their life.
You are more likely to get a urinary tract infection when;
·         you are pregnant,
·         going through menopause
·         sexually active
·         using certain types of contraception
·         are a diabetic
·         or have lowered immunity
·         孕期
·         更年期
·         性行为
·         某些避孕行为
·         糖尿病
·         抵抗力低
Signs and symptoms of a UTI
·         Constant urge to urinate
·         Pain and burning on urination; urine often passed in small quantities
·         Feeling of pressure on the bladder
·         Urine may have a strong smell or be slightly cloudy
·         Pink urine
·         持续尿急
·         尿量少、排尿时感觉热与疼
·         膀胱有压迫感
·         尿异味或混浊
·         尿血

Cranberry extract – Is one of the best known remedies for UTI’s.  It can be used when you have an infection and also as a preventative.  It works by making the urine acidic; an environment that bacteria don’t like.  Also it makes the walls of the bladder slippery, so the bacteria cannot attach and multiply. 


Good Health Cranberry 60,000 is a high strength formula that contains clinically researched Cranberry extract to help support urinary tract and bladder infections.  It is excellent and can be used for preventative, treatment or maintenance use.





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