精神分裂作家与精神创伤奶奶的二三事-The lady in the van

2016年07月02日 UKEC海外区


据英国著名剧作家阿兰·贝内特的同名舞台剧改编。影改编自阿兰·本奈特(Alan Bennett)的同名回忆录,取材于真人真事,《住货车的女士》讲述的是古怪坏脾气、当过天主教修女的老姑娘谢泼德(玛吉·史密斯饰演)住在一辆货车里,在伦敦Gloucester Crescent附近开来开去,饱受该区交通部门小官僚的折磨和游手好闲小青年的骚扰。在对贝内特进行长期情感绑架后,作家将家门口的车道让给她临时停靠,结果她在那儿一住就是十五年。

Mr Bennet : Shouldn't you say sorry? Mary: I've no time for sorry. Sorry is for God. Caring is not a word I like, caring is about shit. The social work: She told me you don't encourage her to get out and lead a more purposeful life and put obstacles in her way. Mr Bennet: I don't encourage her to think she can become the prime minister.......

Miss Shepherd's multi-flavoured aroma,is masked by a liberal application,with Yardley's Lavender,And currently it is this genteel fragrance,that dominates the second subject,But as she goes,her own primary odour,and left hanging in the house。

I'm in dire need of assistance.I'm a sick woman.Dying, possibly.I'm just looking for a last resting place,

Come on. I thought you had,These houses have got so much potential,once you get rid of the junk.There you have it. Gloucester Crescent.Good street. On the up and up.Big motor, have you? Loads of room.

The writer is double.There is the self who does the writing,And they talk. They argue.Writing is talking to oneself.And I've been doing it all my life,and long before I first saw this house。


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