爱心集结令 | CLOVER LEAGUE幸运草联盟招新啦

2016年06月30日 美国中学留学

大家好,我是Linda,来自北京,曾经的新东方学子,现就读于美国寄宿高中St. Paul's School的11年级。我热爱人文学科,喜欢钻研历史,爱好学习语言,唱歌,摄影和打壁球。

Clover League是我花费整个春假的心血策划的项目。该项目是2016年St. Paul's School为表彰学生创立或参加社区公益服务项目设立的SokoloffPrize for Kindness and Compassion的唯一获奖者,并获得了2500美元的Sokoloff Grant资金支持。


  • 以一次性考试成绩:托福115,SSAT 2334升入美国顶尖寄宿圣保罗高中,现为11年级在校生

  • 连续两届耶鲁大学本校“耶鲁全球青年学者”高选拔性项目入选者和证书获得者

  • 圣保罗学校校报指导委员会成员,主编之一;圣保罗模拟法庭辩论队队长,在美国新罕布什尔州模拟法庭邀请赛和埃克塞特模拟法庭混战赛中做辩护律师和总结陈词;2015年至今,代表圣保罗高中参加耶鲁大学和达特茅斯大学模拟联合国会议的成员;作为圣保罗学生代表,参加在菲利普斯.安多佛学校举行的社会正义领导学会;圣保罗生日卡片俱乐部共同创始人。 

  • 社区服务十分突出。在校三年期间,已完成113小时的社区服务。连续三年不间断担任圣保罗最大的学生社团的语言俱乐部的志愿者和领袖,亲自教授和带领志愿者们教授圣保罗高中附近的小学校的小学生们各国语言;曾任圣保罗学校新美籍非裔难民指导项目指导员;利用去年春假参加学校去密西西比州的“人类居住地”服务-学习项目,为当地贫困的人群修建房屋和进行文化交流;曾担任父母是服刑人员的儿童组织(ChIPS)项目负责人和志愿者;高一和高二暑期是 “儿童之桥”国际公益机构志愿者和实习生;去年暑期在美国康涅狄格州食物银行做志愿食物分拣员。

  • 从12岁起,连续六年时间常年课外参加耶鲁北京俱乐部和耶鲁北京中心的活动和实习工作。去年暑期,在耶鲁北京中心提供前台和行政支持,为耶鲁管理学院管理层教育高级项目经理Ms. Dorrie Tokarczyk和中心的来访客人和活动提供口译和其他服务,帮助中心组织和运营活动。

  • 今年5月更以花费半年心血策划的志愿服务北京神州儿女康复中心残障儿童的“幸运草联盟(Clover League)”项目,成为圣保罗高中2016年度“索科洛夫同情和仁爱”奖金USD$2500的唯一获得者。

美国耶鲁大学“耶鲁全球青年学者”项目执行总裁Mr. Edward Wittenstein在2015年度结业典礼上为潘韵之颁发证书。


The name of my project is Clover League: Youth Volunteers for Children with Disabilities (“Clover League”). I plan to create a community service and advocacy project for children with disabilities with the help of 8-12 volunteers recruited primarily from high schools in Beijing. Named after a common symbol for luck, my project aims to bring joy and good fortune to the disabled population in China through volunteer service, awareness, and financial support. The objectives behind this project are threefold: helping shed light on the plight of disabled children through (1) organizing volunteer activities, (2) increasing public awareness, and (3) raising funds.


我的项目全称是幸运草联盟:青年志愿者援助残障儿童项目(简称“幸运草联盟”,英文简称:Clover League)。我计划在8-12名主要在北京招募的高中生志愿者的帮助下为残障儿童创立一个社区服务和支持项目。我的项目以一个通俗的代表幸运的符号命名,是旨在通过志愿者服务,提高公众意识以及财务支援,把快乐和好运带给中国的残障群体。这个项目由三部分组成:(1)组织志愿者活动,(2)提高公众对于残障儿童困境的认识,以及(3)募集善款帮助有需要的残障儿童。


My first objective is to create a summer volunteering project at Beijing Shenzhou Sons and Daughters Rehabilitation Center in which high school students from Beijing will come together to organize engaging activities, such as drawing, storytelling, playing games and origami. The Shenzhou Center treats more than 60 children with disabilities daily, but the children often lack meaningful play in their lives, which my team will help provide. The outcomes I hope to achieve through these activities are not only to bring them happiness but also to build their confidence and creativity. Soft skills like these will also help these children better integrate into society when they leave the center.




The second objective of my project is to raise social awareness among the general public about these aforementioned challenges as well as promote anti-discrimination and disability rights. I hope to achieve this goal by inviting the rehabilitation center’s founder and other thought leaders and activists to share their knowledge and dedication to the cause of disabled children at a panel discussion organized by Clover League in August 2016 at Yale Center Beijing. Additionally, I have created a WeChat official account for Clover League. Through our WeChat official account, I plan to publish information about different types of disabilities and their treatments, and write weekly reports (in the forms of text, photos and videos) updating followers about the volunteer work at the Shenzhou Center and the event at Yale Center Beijing. Besides the WeChat official account, I will start a group blog and invite volunteers to write about their thoughts and reflections on the service project. Last but not least, we will create a 5-minute short film to document our summer experience and post it on popular video websites, such as Youku and Tudou in China as well as Youtube.


我的项目的第二个目标是提高社会对残障儿童所面临的挑战的关注,并促进反歧视和残障人士权益。为了达到这个目标,Clover League将在8月于耶鲁北京中心举办专家座谈会,并邀请神州儿女康复中心的创始人以及其他思想领袖和活动家分享他们在帮助残障儿童领域的知识和努力。此外,我们的微信公众号计划发布关于不同残障类型和治疗方法的信息,并每周更新关于在神州儿女康复中心和耶鲁北京中心活动的报告。除了微信公众号之外,我还会创建一个团体博客并邀请我们的志愿者写下他们参加服务活动后的感想。最后,我们会摄制一个记录我们暑期经历的5分钟短视频,并发布在优酷,土豆,YouTube等视频网站。


The third objective is to provide aid for the high percentage of children at the Shenzhou Center who need financial assistance to cover the costs of their long term therapy. The volunteers and the children at the rehabilitation center will work together on several group art projects in the volunteer activities. The artworks created as a result of this collaboration will be printed on custom T-shirts and mugs. We will sell these T-shirts and mugs at different locations, such as the Shenzhou Center, the Yale Center Beijing, the volunteers’ respective high schools, and through the volunteers’ respective WeChat friend groups online to raise funds for disabled children in need. All of the income from sales will be donated to cover the rehabilitation therapy costs for children from low-income families, thus alleviating their economic burdens. 




Through a summer of volunteer service, awareness, and financial support, I hope to help advance the status of disabled populations in China and provide them with the seeds of a lasting impact.



Clover League 

















要注意突出以下内容: 姓名、性别、学校、特长与爱好、先前的志愿者活动经历(可选)、为什么想参加Clover League的暑期项目。


[email protected]












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