
2016年07月06日 美国驻华大使馆


Muddy Waters


Bessie Smith (AP Photo)

美国音乐# - 蓝调

蓝调深植于非洲裔美国人的经历当中。奴隶们哼唱它作为表达他们的苦楚和希望的方式。他们当中有一些人成为了业余音乐家,背着一把简易的原声吉他、或带着钢琴或口琴在乡村游历 – 成为了第一代蓝调音乐家。

在整个20世纪,马∙尼雷( Ma Rainey)、贝西∙史密斯( Bessie Smith)、欧萨∙杜纳( Otha Turner)和马迪∙沃特斯( Muddy Waters)发展蓝调音乐,为节奏布鲁斯和摇滚乐铺垫了道路。

尽管自50年代后期蓝调逐渐衰退,时至今日它仍然影响和启发着来自美国和世界各地的音乐家。蓝调音乐家威利∙狄克逊( Willie Dixon)曾说:“蓝调是根,其他一切均是果实。”


#AmericanMusic – Blues

The blues is deeply rooted in the African-American experience. Slaves sang as a way to express their anguish and hopes. Some became amateur musicians, roaming the countryside with a simple acoustic guitar, piano, or harmonica—the first blues musicians.

Throughout the 20th century, Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Otha Turner, and Muddy Waters developed blues and paved the way for rhythm & blues and rock & roll.

While blues fizzled out in the late 50s, it continues to influence and inspire musicians in America and around the world. Blues musician Willie Dixon put it this way: “The blues are the roots, everything else is the fruits.”

For more information: http://www.pbs.org/theblues/


Muddy Waters http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/publication/2008/08/20080813183813eaifas0.1172863.html#axzz4BnieJJku


Bessie Smith (AP Photo)

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