探索英语教学 培养学习能力 English Teaching Exploring

2016年12月29日 加拿大国际教育集团


Guidance from English specialist Ms. Shunshi Ling


On the Dec 15th morning of 2016, English specialist Ms. Shunshi Ling visited CLS accompanied by Ms. Li Zhang from the educational instruction center of Nancun town. She guided English teachers at CLS on how to develop English teaching with own characters.

教研员们一到学校就直接深入课堂。她们首先来到了G4A班,听由张蕾老师执讲的《I am very fast》。课堂上,张老师的专业和CLS学生的自信大方给两位专家老师留下了深刻的印象。

Our specialists entered into the classroom directly. They started the investigation from class G4A and watched a class “I am very fast” given by Ms. Jessica. The two experts left a deep impression with teacher’s high quality, students’ confidence.


Ms. Jessica's teaching attracted everyone in the classroom


After that, the specialists watched another two English classes for Grade one given by a foreign teacher and a Chinese English teacher. She was impressed by the teachers’ profession and students’ confidence and performance. 

Teachers fully embodied the students-centered teaching concept in the class. Teachers led the students to interact with teacher and classmates by which it will make the students to be more active as the center of the classroom.


Team work


Teachers gave their reflections and received comments and suggestions from the specialist and other teachers with an open mind.  


Teacher Ling pointed out that CLS teachers fully embodied the students as the center of the classroom and let them to learn to analyze and solve problems by team work. Furthermore, CLS teachers stimulate students' interest and thirst for knowledge. They produced a relaxed and happy atmosphere to the students by meaningful games.


Whereafter, teacher Ling presented a speech on the English subject core literacy: language is the culture character, the quality of thinking and learning ability. She emphasized that English should be a living language for teaching. Teachers should pay attention to guide students to understand and practice the words and sentences they learned in a suitable environment to cultivate their own cultural attitude.

Teachers should help to improve students' thingk ability by increasing topics and difficulties of the questions. Teachers could cultivate students' learning ability from the aspects of attitude, interest, habits, methods and strategies.


The activity make our teachers know more clearly about their direction and efforts in the future.It broadened teachers’ vision and urged them to make best use of their advantages and bypass the disadvantages to improve teaching ability and efficiency. As a result it will improve the overall teaching level of CLS.

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