欢乐圣诞季 · 爱满加拿达:外国语学校新年晚会盛况空前

2016年12月14日 加拿大国际教育集团


December 9th , a unforgettable Christmas party was held in CLS-A. Teachers and studentsand their friends get together with parents to enjoy the party.


Under the cooperation of a series of staff, the Christmas party is blossoming in radiant splendor and the atmosphere is orderly civilization polite joy. This Christmas party is a characteristic emotional quotient course. Through the course, students can invite their friends to join the party. Students play a role as little host who need to learn how to take good care of friend’s feeling and diet and so on. This progress helps students to learn how to observe and take good care of others.


Now, let’s review this unforgettable Christmas Party with several groups of photos.

一、家委特辑(Special House Committee)


If you are in the party that night, you must not unfamiliar to this kind of scene: many parents are working for the party with red ribbon. In order to make students can enjoy the party safely and happily, they made work plans two weeks ago. In 9th, every member held fast to his own position. With their positive energy and hard work, the Christmas party is safely and orderly held. 

二、幕后特辑(Special backstage)


In order to make the party go on successfully, the whole members in the backstage work so hard like a warrior.


The beautiful mothers come to school so early and help make-up. Their help the actors and actress to show in the stage with delicate makeup look. 

三、进场与班级大食汇(The spectators enter the school and the delicious food party in the classroom)


Taking part in the activities of the school, parents transform their wordless love toward children into action. They came to school with a sunny smile. Some of them took a big plate with delicious food, and some carried big bag with snack. All of these is for the delicious food party. And some of them came with the old and the kid, just because they don’t want to miss every moment of the kid’s growing. 

每一位到来的家长,都被热情的小迎宾们一句句“Merry Christmas”所感染,满面春风,有郑校长和外教亲自派糖,让入场的小朋友们先一尝圣诞的甜蜜。

Every parent are welcome by the little greeter. They show a sunny smile. Every kid received sweet candy from foreign teacher and President Zheng.

四、晚会节目大放送(The Rich Programs )

1《圣诞歌曲大合唱》Chorus: Christmas songs


The bright stars are the colors of Christmas. And a group of little spirits can’t wait to open the prelude of our party. 

2《农场管乐团》Brass band: Farm Brass Team

加拿达外国语学校艺术氛围浓厚,音乐方面,就有个乐魅club,意为音乐的魅力。这个俱乐部目前有两个乐团,一个是管乐队,一个是洪啸乐团。管乐队为我们带来的是《 农场管乐团》。他们一个个仿佛管乐小精灵,将他们的美好感情通过管乐传达出来,让我们透过音乐,感受到农场上人们的耕种的辛劳和丰收的喜悦。

The art atmosphere in CLS-A is full of artistic atmosphere. There is a Yuemi Club,which means the charming of music. Nowadays, there are two groups in this club: Brass band and Orchestra. In the party, the Brass Band shows Farm Brass Team. Through the performance, we can feel the toil of cultivation and the happy of harvest in the farm.


3吟诵《蒹葭》Sinology Recital:Jianjia



The deepest memory is classic culture, the most touched word is The Book of Songs. The performers showed us how beautiful the Chinese poem is! 

4英文独唱: See You Again

      Solo: See You Again

5《快乐的小羊》Dance: The Happy Sheep


The children are so talent and their dance make us want to dance with them. 

5钢琴演奏曲One Summer’s day 

          Piano: One Summer’s Day


Ziling Liu is good at playing piano and she had earned lots of reward in piano competition. 


Piano:  Croatian Rhapsody


Jiayu Zhou is a top student in CLS-A. He is a all-rounder and won the champion in the "National Youth Oral Contest"Last year, he was invited to Macao to hold a piano concert. 

7《加拿达好声音》Music: Voices of CLS-A 



Our teaches in CLS-A are so talent and they not only have high quality but also good at vary arts. The campus is full of love between teachers and students. Teachers are patient and caring. With their selfless love, we can grow up happily.

8《民 国 雅 韵》 

      T-Show: Expression of the Republic of China     


T-show is always a popular program in CLS-A’s Christmas party. This time, the Fashion team takes us to feel the expression of the Republic of China. The little models were so cute and professional that makes us look forward seeing them in Paris fashion show.


     English Play: Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf


As a foreign language school, English is one of our features. If you want to have an international perspective, you should handle English. The English play is so popular and funny that make the audience laugh. 

10《TATANKE》 Orchestra: Tatanke 



The multi-voices create a series of scenes of South American. That makes audience seems like they have a pair of swings that carry them fly through the Amazon rainforest, the Chimborazo snow mountain and the endless sea. 


    Recitation: Yuan Meng Zhong Hua


This wonderful reciting allowed us to time travel from ancient times to the present.


    Matrial Arts:Break Sticks


Martial arts are part of our Chinese traditional culture. It can help the students to train both their mind and their body. The arts help to cultivate the students’ moral character and the kungfu helps to cultivate the students’ mind. This is the goal of our course.


    Variety: Family and School Mediey

三 句 半 

Free Talk

《try everything》

《送  别》



This is a artistic family, the art adds joyful atmosphere for this family.


Crystal Flutes: Swan goose


The parents talent team are so hard-working in study how to play flutes and they do show a wonderful performance for all of us.


Funny Dance:Genghis Khan


The whole audiences are inspirited by the happy dance and stand up to dance together. 

亲子节目不一般,吹拉弹唱小品全; 自编自导兼主演,家长孩子齐欢颜。

The parent-kid show was great!The parents and students looked so happy!

14《爵士芭蕾》Jazz & Ballet 


15《花样轮滑》 Artistic Roller Skating:"To happiness"



This perfomance is the top on in the Guangdong  Sprinng Festival Gala qualification trials. Let’s hand in hand, join us in a happy departure. 

16《瑶族舞曲》 Cucurbit Flute Show: Yao National Dance



The whole students of Grade 2 and Grade 3 are playing the flutes together, and this one is the regarded as the most shock one.Which school can achieve like this: each student is good at more than one musical instruments?


       ( The audiences are enjoying the party.)


They are enjoying the Christmas Party.

欢乐《兔子舞》 Dance: Rabbit Dance


The happy Christmas Party is end successfully, and the parents took the children go

back home. The beautiful lights just like glittering stars waiting for next year’s Christmas Day.


The crowd is going away, but the happiness still keep in mind just like the lights never die out.

(供稿:余莉娜  Melina)

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