
2016年12月23日 新西兰好健康

Good Health自然疗法师Lynley谈贫血:贫血对人体最大的影响就是体力不足,因为你的身体里没有足够的血液可以把氧气带到全身各处,贫血可以造成精神萎靡不振,免疫系统的作用也会大打折扣。一些常见的贫血症状是:

  • 肤色苍白

  • 呼吸急促短暂

  • 体弱,容易疲累

  • 头晕

  • 记忆力下降

  • 手脚冰凉,怕冷

  • 心悸

贫血的症状因人而异,有些症状和其他一些疾病的症状相似。如果你觉得自己贫血,请和医生要求血液含铁量测试。如果你确实有贫血问题,服用天然补铁产品可以有效补血,并且不对身体其它技能产生不好的影响。Good Health补铁嚼片只需每天嚼食一片就可以补充铁质。它味道很好,不含有任何人工调味剂或增甜剂。请访问这个链接了解更多:链接到Good Health网站的补铁嚼片页面。http://www.goodhealth.co.nz/china/products/detail/vitamins-and-minerals-2/ffh10100-cn




Having low iron can dramatically affect your energy levels, as your blood isn't able to effectively carry oxygen around your body. Low levels of iron can affect your mood and put your immune system under pressure. Some common signs and symptoms of iron deficiency include:

  • Pale skin

  • Shortnessof breath

  • Weakness and fatigue

  • Dizziness and light-headedness

  • Poor memory

  • Sensitivity to the cold and/or colds hands and feet

  • Heart Palpitations


It’s important to remember that symptoms vary per individual and some of these signs and symptoms are similar to other health conditions. To determine if your iron levels are the problem, get a blood test through your doctors. If your levels are low, a good supplement can be a good way to boost them. Good Health Iron Chews™ are an easy chewing tablet that you take once a day. They taste great and contain absolutelyno artificial sweetener.


Note: Always seek medical advice before taking an iron supplement long term; iron deficiency is bad, but too much iron isn’t good either.

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