
2016年12月07日 新西兰好健康

Where there is inflammation there is pain; but it doesn’t need to be as bad as it sounds. Inflammation is our natural immune response and a self-protection mechanism. If you suffer from chronic pain, arthritis, asthma or even eczema; you could be suffering from inflammation. The key is to know the difference between the form that helps us and that harms us. Once you know what to do, it is easy to control.

炎症往往伴随着疼痛,但是它不像听起来那么糟糕。 发炎是我们身体的天然免疫反应和自我保护机制。 如果你正在受慢性疼痛,关节炎,哮喘甚至湿疹的困扰,那么你就患有炎症。关键是要知道如果区分好的和坏的炎症。一旦你知道该怎么做,它很容易控制。

What is Inflammation?


Inflammation is the body’s natural response to tissue damage from pathogens, injury or toxins; it is the basis for almost all chronic disease. Acute inflammation is incredibly beneficial for the body as it promotes healing and tissue regeneration; however, chronic inflammation can be extremely dangerous.

炎症是身体对来自病原体,损伤或毒素的组织损伤的天然反应; 它是几乎所有慢性疾病的基础。急性炎症对身体来讲是非常有益的,因为它促进愈合和组织再生; 然而,慢性炎症可能是非常危险的。

Acute inflammation is a natural response wecould not live without. Here are the key signs to look out for:


  • Redness & Heat: Blood vessels dilate so more blood can reach the injured site.

  • Swelling: Increased permeability of capillaries allow cells to enter the affected tissue.

  • Pain: Release of chemical mediators that assist the healing process can often irritate nerves. 

  • Loss of function:Decreased motion is a sign the body is not working as it should be.

  • 红肿和发热:血管扩张,以便让更多的血液可以到达受伤部位。

  • 肿胀:增加毛细血管的渗透性,使细胞进入受损的组织。

  • 疼痛:化学介质的释放可以帮助刺激神经,帮助愈合。

  • 功能丧失:身体乏惫是健康失衡的一个信号。

Chronic inflammation occurs when the immune system is overwhelmed by physical, environmental and mental stressors. The body goes into overdrive and begins to destroy both healthy and unhealthy cells, plus everything in between. Chronic inflammation symptoms are less severe but last longer; left untreated they can be life threatening.


How to Regulate Inflammation


Simple daily changes can address the root of inflammation; it is easy once you know what to do.


Reduce stress: The stress hormone cortisol regulates our inflammatory response; increased stress means more inflammation. Sleep and stress go hand in hand and cutting corners during sleep harms the body’s ability to repair itself. Focus on stress reduction by gettin gat least 8 hours of sleep, reducing technology time, staying active and practising low-impact activities such as yoga, meditation or swimming.

减少压力:应激激素皮质醇调节我们的炎症反应; 压力的增加意味着更多的炎症。 睡眠和压力是密切相关的,睡眠时间的减少会降低身体自我修复的能力。每天至少8小时的睡眠,减少胡思乱想,保持积极的心态和做一些非激烈运动,例如瑜伽,冥想和游泳,都会对减压有明显帮助。

Reduce toxins: Toxins are present in our food, home and personal care products. Toxins are absorbed through the skin and digestive tract and increase pressure on our immune system. Reduce your body’s toxic load by purchasing organic foods, non-toxic cleaning and personal care products where possible; and ensure you are familiar with any allergies present.

排毒:毒素存在于我们的食品、家庭和个人护理产品中。毒素通过皮肤和消化道吸收,增加我们免疫系统的排毒压力。 尽可能使用有机食品,无毒、洁净的个人护理产品,以减少身体对有毒物质分解过滤的负荷; 并确保您清楚的知道所有的过敏源。

Diet Matters


Poor dietary choices cause inflammation. Our bodies need vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to help them repair and recover. A diet low in refined and processed food and high inplant-based foods will give you an anti-inflammatory boost needed to get on the path to recovery.


Spices have long been used to assist the body’s inflammatory response and are a staple in many households. Ginger, cinnamon and turmeric are some of nature’s oldest and most effective herbal medicines. If there ever were a life-enhancing spice, turmeric is it. Incorporating turmeric into your diet can improve more than just the colour of your latte. Turmeric is recommended for a range of conditions as it works on many inflammatory pathways. Turmeric’s primary compound curcumin prevents the activation of the key inflammation mediator and therefore decreases the likelihood of developing chronici nflammation throughout the body. Adding this powerful plant to your diet is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and wellbeing.


Can Supplements Help?


Fish oil and krill oil both contain omega-3 fatty acids, known to reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair. Arthritis is the single greatest cause of disability in New Zealand and is closely linked to inflammation. If you are suffering from arthritis, a fish oil supplement may be beneficial.


Turmeric 15800 Complex eases fatigue, stiff joints and improves gastro-intestinal health. The active component curcumin is paired with Bioperine® for 20 times better absorption, and ginger, boswellia and ashwagandha for further inflammatory support. Promoting a range of health benefits for multiple health conditions.


Turmeric Extra Strength has been formulated for total body support. Clinically proven to begin working with 7 days Turmeric Extra Strength offers support for arthritic, cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous system disorders. Using a unique curcumin extract, advanced technology provides 46 times better absorption. Paired with high quality boswellia and sweet wormwood, Turmeric Extra Strength can support both acute and chronic inflammation.

Turmeric ExtraStrength (加强型姜黄素胶囊)是用来帮助全身的健康系统。 临床证明,服用Turmeric Extra Strength 7天后开始对关节炎,心血管,消化系统和神经系统疾病产生疗效。独特的姜黄素提取物,使用先进的技术提供了46倍更好的吸收。与高品质的乳香和甜蒿木的搭配,Turmeric Extra Strength 可以帮助急性和慢性炎症。

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