
2017年07月26日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)


史蒂芬·金(Stephen King)是一位国际知名的文学巨匠,也是世界前20名畅销书作家之一。 


他的书籍特别适合电影改编,如《魔女嘉莉》(Carrie),《它》(It),《肖申克的救赎》和《闪灵》(The Shining) 。 



 金完成小说后,30个出版商拒绝了他。 当小说最终得以出版时,金一夜之间引起了轰动。

你最喜欢的史蒂芬·金的书是什么,或者最喜欢的改编自蒂芬·金的书的电影是什么? 要了解更多关于斯蒂芬·金请看(英文):https://www.biography.com/people/stephen-king-9365136

#AmericanAuthors# Stephen King 

Stephen King is an internationally known literary giant, and among the top twenty bestselling authors of all time.

He elevated the genre of horror writing with masterful, terrifying novels that ushered him into the class of the literary elite. 

His books lend themselves particularly well to movie adaptions, such as Carrie, It, The Shawshank Redemption, and The Shining.  

King’s first novel Carrie was published when he was a poor 26 year old, unable to even afford his own typewriter. 

His wife found three papers in his trash can, which he had crumpled up in anger, and urged him to continue what was his first attempt at Carrie. Once King finished the novel, thirty publishers rejected it. When it finally got published, King became an overnight sensation.  

What’s your favorite Stephen King book, or favorite movie adaption of a Stephen King book?  To learn more about Stephen King see (eng): https://www.biography.com/people/stephen-king-9365136. 

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