
2017年07月21日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)

哈珀•李(Harper Lee)只出版过《杀死一只知更鸟》这一本书,之后便刻意回避媒体的视线。但是这本小说影响力如此之大,以至于哈珀•李因她对美国文学的深远影响而获得美国平民的最高荣誉“总统自由勋章”。


小说中的人物的原型都是作者的家人和朋友−比如早熟的Dill,人物原型是李儿时最亲密的朋友杜鲁门·卡波特(Truman Capote),而卡波特本人恰巧也成长为一名著名作家。他最有名的作品是《蒂法尼的早餐》。


#AmericanAuthors# Harper Lee

Although she only published one novel and shunned the limelight upon its publication, Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird was so powerful and influential that for its enduring mark on American literature she was awarded the President Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honor. 

Lee based Mockingbird, a poignant story about the human capacity for good and evil as seen through the eyes of girl in the racially segregated Jim Crow South loosely on an event that occurred in her hometown. Its characters are based on her own family and friends—like the precocious character Dill, who she based on Truman Capote, one of her dearest childhood friends who coincidentally also grew up to become a famous writer in his own right, best known for his short story Breakfast at Tiffany’s. 

What do you think about the message in Harper Lee’s book?  To learn more about Harper Lee see (eng): http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/article/h-1126.   

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