
2017年07月19日 美国驻华大使馆



20世纪的50年代被认为是美国史上意见表达最为压抑的时代。冷战的残酷达到了巅峰,反共的偏执甚至导致美国政府成立了一个调查委员会 – 令人畏惧的众议院非美活动调查委员会(HUAC)来调查和惩罚可疑的共产党员。

敢于挑战这种社会镇压的少数公众人物之一便是着名的美国剧作家亚瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)。

在1953年,米勒出版了《炼狱》(The Crucible),描述的是1692 至1693间发生的塞勒姆审巫案中的歇斯底里和欺诈行为。这场戏被视为是反讽当时进行的对共产主义类似猎女巫的一个寓言故事,当时美国人实际猎狩的是共产主义者而非女巫。米勒此举很快就引起了非美活动调查委员会的怀疑,并被传唤审讯。




#AmericanAuthors# Arthur Miller 

The 1950s are remembered as some of the most repressive times in the history of American expression. The Cold War was at its chilliest, and anti-communist paranoia even led the U.S. government to establish an investigatory committee—the feared House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)—to investigate and punish suspected communists. One of the few public figures who dared challenge this social crackdown was the famous American playwright Arthur Miller.  In 1953, Miller published The Crucible, a chilling play about the hysteria and fraud behind the Salem Witch Hunts of 1692/3. The play was a thinly viewed allegory for the then-ongoing communist witch hunts, in which Americans searched not for witches, but for communists in their midst. Miller soon aroused the suspicion of HUAC, and was called before the committee for interrogation. Today, The Crucible, along with Miller’s play Death of Salesman, continues to be staged the world over, and Miller remains a towering figure in American literary and popular culture.  

Have you ever seen one of Arthur Miller’s plays?  To learn more about Arthur Miller see (eng): https://www.neh.gov/about/awards/jefferson-lecture/arthur-miller-biography.   

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