
2015年02月22日 墨尔本自驾游

墨尔本自驾游 ID:meldriveyourself

墨尔本人的车世界,寻觅着志同道合的朋友,一起分享车经验、车趣闻,平时一起聚聚,偶尔一起出去自驾游。 只要你爱车,就关注分享我们吧~!

1 一定要做的基本检查
 - 联系买车的人,约定看车的时间和地点,永远在卖主驾照和牌照申请上所登记的住处检查车子和交易。最好离高速公路近一些,以便上高速路试车。要明确告诉对方要带的必要文件、驾照、车的注册单registration certificate和保险单。看车一定要在晴朗的白天。看车的时候,要带着自己的驾照、买车广告、一张唱片或一盒录音带。如果有朋友愿意帮忙,那就一起去看。
  - 坚持卖主一定要提供身分证明,(例如驾照),和车子的牌照证明。检查两者上的登记名字是否相同,且记下资料,以便日后查证。
  (1) 先仔细看对方的驾照,是不是卖车人。
  (2) 再看车的注册单上的名字是不是卖车人的名字。
  (3) 再看注册单上的车的描述是不是那辆要卖的车。还要看注册是否已经过期。
  如果这三点都没问题,就能避免这辆车不是偷来的。从注册单上抄下四个信息:注册号car'sregistration number、车架号vehicleidentification or chassis number和发动机号engine number。The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is stamped on the complianceplate, which is attached to the bulkhead between the engine and the passenger compartment. (Its location is usually listed in the owner'shandbook.)
  Make sure the owner's name, the number plate, vehicleidentification and engine numbers and other details match the information onthe VicRoads registration certificate. Check the numbers for yourself ratherthan relying on information from a previous owner or the registration label. Ifany of that information does not match, the car may have been stolen. (It isimportant to remember that the name on the registration certificate is notnecessarily the name of the owner of the vehicle. Also remember that theVicRoads register is not a register of title.)
  Make sure the car's documentation is consistent withthe kilometers’ traveled and the information in the service history section ofthe owner's handbook or receipts and log book for work on the vehicle. A phonecall to the service centre or repairer to verify the car's records is a goodidea.
  - 可以和交通单位联络,确保这辆车不是偷来的,确定牌照登记正确,卖主真正的登记者。
  (1) it's yourresponsibility to check that it's not stolen and there's no money owing on it.Contact the Vehicles Securities Register (VSR) on 131171(Mon-Fri 8.30am -5.00pm, Sat 8.30am - 2.00pm). They'll be able to advise you over the phone forfree, or issue a Certificate of Registered Interest (which currently costsaround eight dollars).
  (2) You shouldalso check its written-off status by phoning VicRoads on 131171 or 1800 814 762(when calling from interstate) or online at the VicRoads website with theregistration number and vehicle identification number. This way you'll know ifthe car has suffered any major damage that might affect its future performance.

2. 协商交易
  当比价时,要求卖主给你on road price,如果是trade-in,则要求changeover price。这个价钱应包含所有的配件、附加条件,税款、和交易费用。以免到了成交时,突然出现许多之前未察觉到隐形的费用。

3. 付订金
  This agreement is subject to the purchaser obtainingan inspection report from (your inspection company). If the reported conditionof the vehicle is not satisfactory to the purchaser, he/she may rescind thecontract, and the deposit paid shall be refunded in full to the purchaser. (若买主不满意车辆检查的结果,买主有权取消合约并拿回订金)
  Roadworthy Certificate
  If the car is registered, the seller is required toprovide you with a current roadworthy certificate. A roadworthy certificate isa general safety check conducted by a licensed vehicle tester. It is valid for30 days from the date of issue. Never agree to obtain a roadworthy certificateyourself as the car may have hidden problems that could prove costly to repair.

 4. 牌照登记转移
当一辆车的权转手时,该车辆的牌照登记也必须从卖主转移到买主。确定这个手续是否有依照规定进行则是买方的责任,但也请卖方要多加留意。你自己或车主写一份收据,把买主姓名、购买日期、购买金额、车辆VIN号、卖主驾照号都写上。双方签名。这是唯一的证据可以证明车辆已经属于你了。卖方在车的注册单背面签字,尽快填写vehicle registration transfer form给买方并交到交通单位,要求交通单位给一份授权的备份(stamped copy)。
  When you buy or acquire a vehicle that is registered,you will need to transfer the registration into your name and lodge therelevant documents with VicRoads within 14 days. Generally, you will need tosupply the following information to VicRoads:
  (1) Completed copy of the Vehicle RegistrationTransfer form
  (2) Roadworthy Certificate
  (3) Payment of Transfer fee and motor vehicle duty(unless exempt)
  It is a good idea to call VicRoads yourself on 13 1171 six weeks after you have bought the car to check that the transfer hasoccurred.

5. 交易后注意事项
当你购买二手车后,最好换掉所有的机油 — 引擎、变速器,高速档(final drive),煞车油..等等,还有引擎的冷却剂。有时候这些油可能很久没有被更换了。
  检查车是否有timing belt(计时带),和上次更换的时间。通常timing belt都有时效,且应该定期依照厂商建议的次数更换。
  1) 事先给保险公司打电话询价,并比较价格
  RACV: http://www.racv.com.au/ 137228
  AAMI: http://www.aami.com.au/ 132244
  Allianz: http://www.allianz.com.au/ 131000
  (5)给保险公司询价后,他们都会给你一个quotenumber, 留好这个号码,如果你想买这家公司的保险,再给他们打电话的时候,直接告诉他们这个号码就可以了。
  2) 话说过户完成后,在你动手开车以前,一定要马上给保险公司打电话。告诉他们你的quote number,告诉他们你想买保险,基本上就可以了。保险是当时就生效的。你可以选择信用卡付款或者用支票和money order. 如果用支票和money order, 那么保险公司会邮寄给你一个invoice, 你找上面的金额去开支票或者去买money order就可以了。
  Three common types of car insurance:
  Comprehensive insurance
  covers you against damage to your car, other cars andproperty, as well as fire and theft. This type of insurance is usuallynecessary if you borrow money to buy the car.
  Third party property, fire and theft insurance
  covers you for damage your vehicle causes to otherpeople's cars and property, and if it catches on fire or is stolen.
  Third party property insurance
  covers you for damage your vehicle causes to othercars and property not yours!







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