通知:Nelson Honey和Nectar Ease系列产品价格即将涨价!

2015年07月18日 澳洲资讯

关于Nelson HoneyNectar Ease系列产品价格上涨的通知


关于Nelson HoneyNectar Ease系列产品的近期调查显示,产品的原材料成本、劳动力、保险、运输以及其他附加成本都出现了显著增长。


我们坚信Nelson Honey能够继续以非常合理的价格提供非常优质的产品,同时,很遗憾地,我们需要接受成本增加的现实,我们也希望您,尊贵的客户,可以明白我们对此决定没有选择。




RE: Price increase for Nelson Honey and Nectar Ease products

Dear Customer:

A recent review of our Nelson Honey and Nectar Ease products showed a marked increase in the cost of the raw materials needed to produce these, as well as allied increases in labour, Insurance, transport and other ancillary costs.

Our last price increase was implemented over three years ago, and our review clearly showed that we can longer afford to absorb these increases and that the time has come to pass at least some along to our customers.

We believe that Nelson Honey continues to offer very high quality products at very reasonable rates, and whilst we regret the need to pass on these cost increases, we also hope that you, our valued customers, will understand that we have no choice in this decision.

The new pricing will take effect from 1 September, 2015. A new price list is attached for your information.

We appreciate your continued support and look forward to strengthening our relationship in the future.

16 July 2015


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