【伦敦活动 年青创业家经验分享会】听“创业导师”侃侃大英帝国“毕业生创业”那些事儿

2015年09月23日 英国留学中心

伦敦活动 | 创业经验分享会

上周小编发布了10月3日举办的青年创业家经验分享会 - “不花一分钱”就能实现英国创业移民。不少小伙伴都报名参加了呢~ 很多同学都对毕业生企业家项目非常有兴趣,特别是对于之后申请企业家移民可以节省150万RMB的政策,非常非常有诱惑力!




MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management - Imperial College Business School

BSc, Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician - The University of Edinburgh


2015年,帮助学员获得牛津大学(Oxford University)的毕业生企业家移民资格(Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur VISA)

2015年,帮助学员获得伦敦城市大学(City University London)的毕业生企业家移民资格(Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur VISA)

Project Manager - Dalian YTH Co.,Ltd
2009 – 2014

1. Intellectual Sensor Network System for Car Parking - UK
2015 - Present


并且获得UK Entrepreneur First的“天使投资”支持

2. Biological Recognition Technology with Finger Vein Image Identification - UK
2014 - Present

3. Museum and Gallery VP Projects - UK and Switzerland
2014 - Present

4. Roll Force Controller - UK
2013 -2014

The roll force measurement system supplies processes the signals from sensors and communicates the result to other systems to achieve precise roll force controlling. The performance is superior to other products (Kelk and ABB) in the market in terms of accuracy and reliability.

5. Distributed Wireless Sensor Network - UK
2014 - 2014

This system aimed to detect objects in a large and EMI environment area with low battery requirements, high resolution and high reliability. This system was designed for military purpose. A prototype had been finished by Sep 2014 and improvement continued.

6. Thickness Gauge - UK
2012 - 2013

Participated in whole system design. This equipment is used to measure the thickness of hot steel in a severe environment (over 1000℃, 98% humidity and dust) and work stably 24/7 for at least 5 years without maintenance. Its accuracy, reliability and ease of use are better than other products of Kelk, Thermal and ABB

7. Distributed Environmental Monitoring System - UK
2012 - 2013

Participated in both hardware and software design. This system, which supplies for oil production companies, is used to monitor the environmental data using distributed sensor networks. It was a world leading technology in terms of accuracy and power consumption.


2012年的时候,Han首次加入到项目开发和创业团队当中。当时针对“Distributed Environmental Monitoring System”的开发,负责产品硬件和软件的开发。


在自己的创业过程中,Han逐渐意识到,自己需要加强对“Business”和“Entrepreneur”的学术知识,提升自己实际的商业操作能力。在2014年9月,他入学帝国理工大学商学院(Imperial College Business School)的MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management项目,学习创业课程,开阔自己的商业视角,提升自己的创业技能。在研究生期间,Han在学校的Entrepreneur Journey活动中,凭借自己丰厚的创业经验,获得整个学院Business Plan测评的最高分,A+。



2015年,Han的团队研发了“Intellectual Sensor Network System for Car Parking ”。该项目由帝国理工,牛津大学等应届毕业生共同发起,并且获得了UK Entrepreneur First的“天使投资”支持。此外,该技术也获得了苏黎世政府许可,将在后期进行市场推广测试。

1. 结合自身特点,挖掘兴趣,寻找创业项目。

2. 大胆创业,敢于坚持,不要害怕困难。

3. 需要不断完善自己的Business Plan,提高项目真实性,可操作性和可持续发展性。

4. 寻找优秀的创业导师,是成功的关键因素之一。

5. 把握毕业生企业家项目的咨询,需要积极和学校沟通。

6. 抓住机遇,下一个成功企业家就是你!

活动 信息


时间:13.30 (英国时间)

地点:Central Court|25 Southampton Building|Holborn|London|WC2A 1AL

Central Line(红线)地铁在Chancery Lane站下车,步行3分钟即可。

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