
2014年07月24日 加拿大留学邵老师

因为加拿大留学在高中2年级以上的申请都普遍要求学生可以提供足够的雅思成绩或相应的语言水平证明, 所以语言学习成为了申请留学中至关重要的因素。甚至有些同学的全部精力都放在了雅思的学习。 世纪华旅留学(ca.cctiedu.com)的卲雨青老师为了方便同学在留学准备过程中能够更加的有信心,因此将我们独家管理和设计教学体系的湖北工业大学加拿大留学特训班(http://t.cn/RvFgD93)的一部分教材分享给同学们, 希望能有帮助。 更多信息可以关注卲雨青老师的公共微信(加拿大留学邵老师)和微博(华旅留学卲雨青)。

阅读训练, 主要包括2个部分:应试解题技巧以及阅读综合实力。 下面谈到的主要是阅读综合实力。 综合实力的体现在于: 词汇、语法、写作习惯的积累,信息检索能力,总结归纳技能, 总结翻写的练习以及段落逻辑关系的提炼练习。 下面这几个段落,同学们可以拿来做一些练习,来自于经济学人杂志,也就是雅思的题库。在难度上会略高于实际考试。

选材1:这段用来练习阅读的词汇,和总结,缩写。 试着用200字表明文章要表达的意思。

Besides all being from Spain, the three retailers each have media-shy founders who have brought in outside managers to help them expand, explains Marcel Planellas of Esade Business School in Barcelona. Amancio Ortega of Inditex—Forbes reckons he is now the world’s fourth-richest man—began by making bathrobes before opening the first Zara in 1975 in Galicia. His success blazed a trail for the other two. Isak Andic, Mango’s Istanbul-born founder, started by selling imported goods at a market stall in Barcelona, and Desigual’s Swiss-born Thomas Meyer made denim jackets in Ibiza. Mr Andic and Mr Meyer both opened their first shops in the mid-1980s, though Desigual was a late bloomer until its recent growth spurt.

Whereas its two younger rivals follow a more conventional fashion-retail model of changing their collections two to four times a year, Inditex constantly churns out new designs, to encourage consumers to return to its shops frequently. Inditex has about half of its clothes stitched together in Spain or nearby countries, so it can react fast to changing trends. This costs more but helps avoid fashion misses and markdowns. The other two, again following the industry’s conventions, have largely outsourced production to Asia, though Desigual is also starting to stitch more clothes in Europe to get them into the shops faster.

Inditex has been able to do without advertising, relying on good store locations in big cities to attract custom. Desigual, in its rush to catch up, has created a buzz with controversial advertisements (such as a television spot in which a young woman, wishing to get pregnant, puts pinholes in her partner’s condoms) and quirky promotions such as offering free clothes to shoppers who arrive in their underwear. Desigual promotes itself as a “lifestyle” brand, more like Nike than Zara. Its bold prints and carefree, Mediterranean vibe are almost as popular in France as they are in Spain, says its chief executive, Manel Jadraque, who is aiming to make France the company’s biggest market by the end of this year. “If we can make it in Paris, the birthplace of fashion, we are doing well”.


A study just published in Psychological Science, by Miriam Mosing of the Karolinska Institute, in Sweden, suggests that the sceptics are right. Practicing music without the right genes to back that practice up is indeed useless.

Dr Mosing drew her conclusion in a time-honoured way—by studying twins. She and her colleagues surveyed 1,211 pairs of identical twins (who share all their genes) and 1,358 pairs of fraternal twins (who share half) born between 1959 and 1985. They asked each participant whether he or she played a musical instrument or actively engaged in singing. Those who did were asked to estimate how many hours a week they had practiced at different ages. From this Dr Mosing was able to calculate a score for each individual’s lifetime practice. Anyone who did not play an instrument or sing got a score of zero.

The first measured a person’s ability to detect differences in pitch. Each participant heard two notes. Sometimes the second was different from the first. Sometimes it was not. Participants had to say whether the second was higher or lower than the first, or the same.

The next test, of appreciation of melody, asked people to distinguish between two sequences of four to nine notes, in which one sequence would sometimes differ from the other in the pitch of a single note. The final test, of sensitivity to rhythm, required volunteers to decide whether two sequences of five to seven notes with the same pitch, but possibly different time intervals, were indeed the same or different.

That is not to say practice has no value. Playing an instrument and singing are physical skills, and do take a long time to master. But, though the experiment could not measure this directly, it is a fair bet that only those with high musical ability in the first place can ever hope to master these skills—and Dr Mosing has shown that musical ability has a big genetic component.

One other curious fact to emerge from the study was that the practice of practice itself seems to be under genetic control. Even allowing for counter-examples such as the identical twins with a 20,000 hour difference in their lifetime practice regimes, such twins are more similar in their attitudes to practicing than are fraternal ones. For children who find practicing the violin a chore, this may be the study’s most useful result. When asked by their teachers why they have not practiced during the previous week, they can now blame their genes.

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