【2016逛美国】 -本周主打州:新墨西哥州

2016年03月28日 美国驻华大使馆

Eelke De Blouw


从空灵缥缈的白沙国家纪念园(White Sands National Monument)、雄伟的摩罗国家纪念园(El Morro National Monument)到古老的阿兹特克人(Aztec)遗迹及庞大的查科(Chaco)建筑物,新墨西哥州(New Mexico)可谓一片魔幻之土。欢迎访问这片为现代派艺术家乔治娅·欧姬芙(Georgia O’Keeffe)带来灵感的土地。


有关新墨西哥州的详情,请见DiscoverAmerica.com 。



From the ethereal White Sands National Monument and the majestic El Morro National Monument to ancient Aztec ruins and massive Chaco structures, New Mexico is a “land of enchantment.” Discover the land that inspired modern artist Georgia O’Keeffe.

(From rugged mountaintops to grassy plains to lowland desert, New Mexico's hiking and camping spots exude diversity. Encompassing six of the world's seven life zones, the state's landscapes offer a taste of nearly all climes. Open space, along with diverse wildlife and plant species are plentiful in this vast and sparsely populated state. Every year the Land of Enchantment attracts millions of visitors who seek out its scenic beauty and countless outdoor recreation activities.

Find out more at


Find out more about New Mexico at DiscoverAmerica.com.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2012/07/201207169127.html#ixzz3z4tgp67p


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