
2014年10月16日 smoothcareer


Curriculum Vitae by Jonny-Rocket
A CV that probably laid the author the job and great at attracting attention among several hundred applicants.

Resume by Pau Morgan

Me, Myself Curriculum Vitae by Novisurjadi

Life Chart Resume
Author’s first take at visualizing general tasks he does daily between age 0-32. It also highlights significant events of the last 20 years.

Resume by Arianedenise

Resume on Fabric
Just a creative way to get a graphic design job, while expressing author’s parallel interest in fabric and sewing.

Curriculum Vitae by Mistis
A retro and vintage CV with pictures.

Curriculum Vitae by iTudor

Curriculum Vitae by Verine

Curriculum Vitae by bulooji

Curriculum Vitae by Fransanchez

Vinyl Record-Themed Resume
A relatively clean teaser of a graphic designer’s resume, black and white version. Made to match a vinyl record-themed portfolio design.

Michael Anderson Resume Infographic
A different perspective on the typical time-line theme resume. This is just concept art, as there are almost no real metrics represented except for time.

Resume by ChuckDLay
A copy of author’s resume included in each issue of DESGINERD toward the end where the novelty ads would normally be.

Resume by Adam Stephenson

To be continued...


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