
2016年03月25日 美国驻华大使馆


现代创新者和工程师金佰利·布莱恩特认为有必要在社区积极采取措施满足学习需求。在听到她上中学的女儿说对学习计算机编程感兴趣、但苦于没有机会之后,她创立了“黑人女孩代码(Black Girls Code)”。这个NGO的启动,为弱势群体女孩提供课后活动和研讨会这样的机会来学习计算机代码和编程。

#Women’sHistoryMonth# - Innovator & Engineer: Kimberly Bryant

Modern day innovator and engineer Kimberly Bryant saw a need in the community and pro-actively took steps to fill that need.  She founded “Black Girls Code” after her middle-school aged daughter expressed an interest in learning about computer programming, and the opportunities were limited.  In starting up this NGO, girls from under-represented communities now have an opportunity through after-school programs and workshops to learn how to code and do computer programming.

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