【2016逛美国】 本周旅游提示:露天野炊注意事项

2016年03月31日 美国驻华大使馆

(Photo: Wikicommons

本周旅游提示:很难找到与露天野炊一样棒的体验。生火时请按照以下提示进行。保证在火势不易蔓延或上升的区域生火 – 理想情况下在烤架或石材表面上生火。灭火时用水扑灭,确认所有的余烬、煤和树枝都被浸湿。在柴堆深处存留的余烬有可能会再次点燃。

Few things are as nice as roaring fire out under an open sky. When handling a fire, you should follow these tips. Be sure you have an area for a fire that cannot spread laterally or vertically - a grill or stone surface is ideal. When putting the fire out, drown it with water, making sure all embers, coals and sticks are wet. Embers buried deep within the pile have a tendency to reignite later.


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