
2016年03月25日 美国研究生留学



making conscious choices


It's so easy to plop down on the couch on a Friday night or Saturday morning and watch TV, but falling into these routines will suck away the few free hours you have. Instead of doing something by default, choose to decide how your time is spent.


In her book, "What The Most Successful People Do On The Weekend," time management expert Laura Vanderkam writes, "In a world of constant connectivity, even loafing time must be consciously chosen, because time will be filled with something whether it’s consciously chosen or not — and not choosing means that the something that fills our hours will be less fulfilling than the something our remembering selves will likely wish we’d elected to do."


Make appointments for yourself, even if it's only to read a book.


Huckabee advises: "If you know you want to read a book, then get the book out and have it set aside and make plans to read it. Say it's going to be at 1. When that starts, get on it. Don't wait until that afternoon, then think — could I read? Or listen to some music? Or take a walk? Then you'll sit about wasting an hour of what little time you have figuring out what to do with the rest of it."


make a plan


Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert's 2006 book, "Stumbling on Happiness." In it, Gilbert argues that "the greatest achievement of the human brain is its ability to imagine objects and episodes that do not exist in the realm of the real."


Gilbert is talking about anticipation. Anticipation accounts for a huge chunk of happiness, which comes from thinking about the events we plan. Vanderkam writes, "As you look forward to something good that is about to happen, you experience some of the same joy you would in the moment. The major difference is that the joy can last much longer."


Weekend mornings


Weekend mornings are very easily wasted in laying about. Instead, set them aside for personal pursuits.


Vanderkam writes, "If you're training for a marathon, it's less disruptive for your family if you get up early to do your four-hour run than if you try to do it in the middle of the day. To get up early, you'll probably have to avoid staying up late the night before, but this is a good idea in general."


down time, and turn off your phone.


Although it becomes harder to do that with smartphones and demanding careers, Vanderkam recommends hiding your mail icon on your phone during your "Sabbath," so you are not even tempted to click on messages that spill into your inbox. You may not be able to completely avoid working on the weekends, but you can at least carve out a few hours.


Schedule evening and weekend activities


This will give your week some variety--it won't all be about your job. Extra points if your off-hours activities involve other people you care about, such as your spouse, partner, kids, or friends.



Sleeping In Too Late


Weekend social schedules can demand a totally different bedtime routine compared to the rest of the week. Staying up until late at night and then sleeping in the next day could leave you feeling more tired and make it harder to get back onto a normal sleep schedule for the entire week. 


To get more out of your weekend days and avoid sleeping troubles come Sunday night, try to organize your schedule so that you can go to sleep and wake up within an hour of the time you would during the week.




The weekend typically comes with more opportunities for eating out, enjoying a few drinks or indulging in dessert than the weekdays, and your diet may suffer as a result. Taking the weekends "off" from a healthy diet may sabotage weight loss efforts and result in excess calorie intake.


Staying Plugged In


Being constantly plugged in can have a number of negative health impacts, from decreased focus and productivity to trouble sleeping and higher stress levels. 


Taking the time to unplug and recharge can help to keep stress levels in check and maximize your weekend relaxation. Writer and filmmaker Tiffany Shlain tells the Harvard Business Review that her family takes "tech shabbats" once a week in which they don't use any digital devices. Try going tech-free for one day, afternoon, or even just an hour of the weekend while enjoying an outdoor activity or time with loved ones.

花点时间放下电子设备吧,这样才能有效缓解压力,让你得以在周末享受最大的放松。作家兼导演 Tiffany Shlain对《哈佛商业评论》表示,每周她的家庭都会进行一次“电子设备安息日”,大家都不用任何电子设备。在周末丢掉科技设备过上一天,或一个下午,甚至是一个小时,和爱的人一起参加户外活动,或享受户外时光吧。

Running Errands & Doing Chores


Instead of planning to power through your long to-do list on Saturday and Sunday, try spending 30 minutes each evening doing laundry, grocery shopping or cleaning during the week so that you can free up your weekend for more enjoyable, calming activities. Spending the majority of your weekend running errands and doing housework likely won't leave you feeling rested and refreshed come Monday morning.


Stressing On Sunday


"Sunday Blues" can be difficult to avoid when you know you have a hectic workweek ahead of you, but you can avoid wasting all of Sunday anticipating the stresses of the coming week. 






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