【2016逛美国】- 本周出行提示

2016年07月14日 美国驻华大使馆

如果卷入车祸的另一方没有保险,或保险不够,或在事故后逃逸,“未被保险的驾车人保护”(UMP)仍应该提供赔偿给事故中受伤的另一方。这包括事故中受伤的租车人,以及他们的家庭成员和其他乘客。赔偿金额高达1百万美元。 UMP保险只在第三者责任险中生效。

If the other person involved in a car accident doesn’t have insurance, is under insured or has fled following the accident, uninsured motorist protection (UMP) should still provide compensation to the other people harmed in the accident. This includes people who are renting a car, as well as their family members and other passengers injured in an accident for amounts of up to $1 Million. UMP insurance is only effective under third party liability insurance.

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