高钙液体胶囊 Hi Cal

2016年07月22日 新西兰好健康

While good nutrition is important for everyone – one area that’s really important – particularly for women and children - is keeping bones healthy.
Calcium’s main role in the body is to build strong bones and teeth……….but it also has other vital roles – it’s helps muscles contract, our blood to clot and helps our nerves to function properly. These functions are SO important, that if you don’t get enough calcium in your diet - your body will take it from your bones.  Over time this can cause them to become weak and brittle, they might break or you could develop osteoporosis
Another important bone nutrient is Vitamin D which helps your absorb and utilise calcium properly.   So even if you’re getting enough calcium in your diet – if you don’t have enough Vitamin D – you won’t get the benefits of the calcium – because it won’t be absorbed properly.
Good Health Hi Cal is a liquid, calcium and Vitamin D formula all in one.  The liquid is in a soft gelatin capsule making it easy to swallow and better absorbed by your body. 
Hi Cal can be used for;


·Osteoporosis General Bone health (especially in post-menopausal women)

·Growing pains
·Muscle cramps
·Nervous tension

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