【北京美国中心活动】人口老化大冲击– 人口老龄化对一个国家的挑战 7月19日,星期二,晚6:30

2016年07月13日 美国驻华大使馆

报名链接:http://www.wanshe.cn/orders/view/14332 (“阅读原文”)


在 15年内全球超过50岁的人将比17岁以下的人更多。人口不仅仅在美国,而且在全球,都在老龄化。人口老龄化对所有国家都呈现出其独特的经济、政治和社会挑战。随着越来越多的人加入劳动力大军,退休延后,寿命更长,谁将承担额外的负担?请加入我们星期二7月19日畅销书作者,普林斯顿大学的校友和获奖记者Ted C. Fishman的讲座,他将讨论美国和世界其他地方正面临的这一转变。Ted是“Shock of Gray”和 “中国公司”的畅销作者。

6 岁以下儿童谢绝参加。

注意:本活动对一般公众。音频和视频记录设备不得使用。有关媒体采访细节须直接与美国使馆新闻处取得联系 。


This program will be conducted in English.

In 15 years, there will be more people globally, over 50 years old than under 17 years old. The population – not only in the U.S., but around the globe – is aging. Aging populations present unique economic, political, and social for all countries. With greater numbers joining the workforce, retiring later, and living longer, who is expected to carry the extra burden? Please join us Tuesday July 19 th as bestselling author, Princeton University alumnus, and award winning journalist Ted C. Fishman discusses how America and the rest of the world are facing this transformation Ted is the bestselling author of Shock of Gray andChina Inc..

This program is not suitable for children under 6.

NOTE: This event is open to the general public.  Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.  Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.

* 请记住携带有效身份证件进入北京美国中心。请此活动勿携带大包。 
You must bring a valid photo ID in order to get into our Center.  No large bags will be allowed into the Beijing American Center (BAC) for this event. 

For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. 

地点: 北京市朝阳区安家楼路 55 号 (美国大使馆东门)。 
Location: No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of the U.S. Embassy) . 

交通:地铁 10 号,亮马桥站 B 出口,向东北步行至 天泽路和安家楼路交汇处, 签证处北侧。 
Directions: Metro Line 10, Liangmaqiao Station Exit B, walk northeast to the Tian Ze Road intersection of An Jia Lou Road, north side of the Visas Office.

请加使馆微信 USEmbassyChina 关注我们的活动。 
Follow us on the Embassy’s WeChat by searching USEmbassyChina.

如果您想了解更多北京美国中心活动,请关注北京美国中心的豆瓣网站 : http://site.douban.com/127124 
For more BAC event information, follow us on DOUBAN: http://site.douban.com/127124

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