
2016年07月14日 美国驻华大使馆


威廉姆斯先后为电影《大白鲨》(Jaws)、《侏罗纪公园》( Jurassic Park)、《星球大战三部曲》(Star Wars)、《E.T.外星人》(ET)和《哈利∙波特》( Harry Potter)第一部和第三部作曲,5次斩获学院奖,17次夺得格莱美奖,和其他奖项。



#AmericanMusic – Composer John Williams: One of the most important, and often one of the most overlooked, parts of a movie is the music. John Williams, born in 1932, is an American composer and conductor best known for his work in the movie industry.

Williams composed the scores for films such as Jaws, Jurassic Park, the Star Wars trilogy, ET, and the first and third Harry Potter movies, earning 5 Academy Awards and 17 Grammys among other honors. It’s hard to imagine Star Wars without that iconic theme song, isn’t it?

Thank you, John Williams! For more information: http://www.johnwilliams.org/reference/biography.html

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