
2016年07月18日 美国驻华大使馆

“经典摇滚”混合了怀旧旋律,引人亮点和平易近人的歌词节奏。其“经典”代表是布鲁斯·史普林斯汀1974年的专辑“天生赢家”(Born to Run),是描述平常百姓大胆摆脱草根劳工束缚,勇于追寻梦想的不朽大师之作。专辑花了十四年與E街乐团共同創作,发行后顿时发烧大卖,让当时年仅25岁的史普林斯汀同时登上了时代杂志和新闻周刊的封面。史普林斯汀的第二张专辑同样采用了“born”作为部分标题。你知道是哪一张吗?(生于美国 born in the USA)

#AmericanMusic – Classic American Rock:  "Classic rock" refers to a distinctly American combination of memorable melodies, catchy hooks, and driving rhythms with lyrics that speak to easily accessible themes.  A "classic" example of the genre is Bruce Springsteen's 1974 album Born to Run, an epic masterpiece of ordinary people daring to have extraordinary dreams of escaping their working class roots.  Recorded over fourteen grueling months with his E Street Band, the album would become an instant hit and land the then-25 year old Springsteen on the cover of both Time and Newsweek.  Springsteen did a second album using "born" in the title -- do you know which one? [Born in the USA]  




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