
2017年01月20日 新西兰好健康

You probably associate turmeric more with Indian and Southeast Asian cuisine than arthritis and muscle pain, but this magic root (along with theother members of the Zingiberaceae family, ginger and cardamom) has a long list of incredible health benefits. The question is, is cooking with the spice enough to reap the benefits?


Comparing turmeric and tablets


For thousands of years, turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, treating everything from sore muscles to liver function. Adding the spice to your cooking where you can seems easy enough, but in order to get any of the therapeutic effects, you’d need to consume at least one or two tablespoons of the powder a day. That’s not an easy task for everyone, which is why taking oneor two supplementary tablets is a more achievable solution for some people.


What’s the secret?


Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. The problem is that there’s only a small amount within the spice, and it gets metabolised and eliminated from the body too quickly to absorb much of it – this is why you have to eat a lot to reap any benefits. 

Supplements contain a form of curcumin that isn’t processed as quickly, so that it can be absorbed and circulated around the body more effectively, increasing the anti-inflammator effect. The CuruWin® found in GoodHealth Turmeric Extra Strength has been clinically proven to be 46 times more absorbable than standard turmeric.

姜黄素是姜黄中的活性成分。可问题是在香料中存在的比例很小,而且它会被身体很快的代谢并消除,可以被吸收到的比例就更小了- 这就是为什么想要达到预期的效果,您就需要进食大量的姜黄。

补充剂中含有特殊形式的姜黄素,它可以不被身体快速的代谢出体内,使其可以更有效的被吸收并利用,增加其抗炎症的效果。在好健康姜黄精(Good Health Turmeric Extra Strength)中存在的CuruWin®已被临床证明比普通姜黄的吸收率高出46倍。

What exactly is inflammation?


Essentially, inflammation is your body’s immune response to infection, irritation or injury. Sometimes this is beneficial, only lasting a few days and promoting healing – this is known as acute inflammation. However when uncontrolled, chronic inflammation can last much longer, causing severe health conditions such as arthritis, asthma, dermatitis and rhinitis. Curcumin is a potent inflammation blocker, helping to regulate the body’s response. 


How curcumin fightsinflammation – a note from our naturopath, Vanessa:


Curcumin works on inhibiting the body’s key inflammatory mediator(NF-kB). I like to think of this as the drill sergeant in command of a company.The NF-kB is responsible for signaling and regulating many other inflammatorypathways in the body, including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) andcyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2). Pharmaceutical drugs that block or inhibit TNFα arenow being used to treat inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, arthritis andmany other diseases.

姜黄素是一种作用于抑制身体炎症的关键介质(NF-kB)。我喜欢把它比作一个团队的指挥官。 NF-kB负责体内信号传导和调节许多其他炎症的反应,包括肿瘤坏死因子αTNFα)和环氧合酶-2COX-2)。阻断或抑制TNFα的药物现在正用于治疗炎性肠病,牛皮癣,关节炎和许多其它疾病。

Good Health Turmeric Extra Strengthwith CurcuWIN® is more powerful and suited to conditions that need extrasupport and comfort. This combined with a high quality, Boswellia extract, hasbeen clinically shown to start working in seven days. Turmeric Extra Strengthis a powerful and comprehensive anti-inflammatory formula with multiplebenefits for multiple health conditions. Although this formulation will helpwith many health conditions, Boswellia and Artemisia are both particularlysuited for joint pain and chronic inflammation such as arthritis.

含有CurcuWIN®的好健康姜黄精(Good Health TurmericExtra Strength)对于需要额外照顾健康状况的人群更有效。它与高质量的乳香提取物相结合,被临床证明可在7天内产生疗效。姜黄精是一种强大并全面的抗炎配方,可对多种健康状况提供帮助。这种制剂对于健康有诸多益处,其中的乳香和艾蒿对于关节疼痛和慢性炎症(例如关节炎)有着特殊的疗效。

What about the other spicesin the family?


In light of turmeric’s astounding health benefits, it’s not surprising to note that the other members of the family are also superstars. Renowned for its ability to settle the stomach, ginger also helps to eliminate intestinal gas and soothes the intestinal tract. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.Cardamom also has a lengthy list of benefits, from treating mouth ulcers to depression. Most commonly, it’s used for heartburn, intestinal gas and spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, urinary problems, liver and gallbladder issues, colds coughs and sore throats. Now that’s a successful family.



If you do enjoy cooking with turmeric, it’s more effective raw, so try sprinkling it over your meals for that delicious spicy kick. But while there are many benefits of the spice, not all are equal. The curcumin content of the turmeric found in supermarkets is not high enough (around 3-5%) for you to reap the benefits. We suggest taking a good quality supplement that contains around 95-98% curcuminoids if you really want to feel the rewards that turmeric is famous for.



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