【美国多样化】-散居社区 –新泽西州联合城的古巴人

2017年01月09日 美国驻华大使馆

人们在新泽西州联合市卑尔根朗大街两旁兴高采烈地观看一年一度的“古巴日”游行。(Wikimedia Commons/Luigi Novi)

#美国多样化#-散居社区 –新泽西州联合城的古巴人。

与纽约市一河之隔(哈德逊河)的新泽西州联合城,长期以来一直是美国移民人口聚集之区。 今天,联合城昵称为“哈德逊的哈瓦那”,因为当地大量的古巴人形成了美国境内第二大古巴侨民社区。 

1959年古巴革命之后,大量的古巴人离开了他们的家园。 1980年美国人口普查报告指出,32%的联合城市居民是古巴裔,到了1990年,古巴裔美国人拥有80%的当地企业。 



#AmericanDiversity – Diaspora: Cubans in Union City, New Jersey

Union City, New Jersey, across the Hudson river from New York City, has long been an area with immigrants to the United States.  Today, Union City has the nickname of “Havana on the Hudson” because of the large group of Cubans, forming the 2nd largest Cuban diaspora community in the United States.  

After the 1959 Cuban Revolution, large numbers of Cubans left their homeland.  In 1980, the U.S. Census reported that 32 percent of Union City residents were of Cuban origin, and by 1990, Cuban Americans owned 80 percent of the local businesses.  

Today, Union City is full of restaurants, stores and businesses that help the new immigrants from Cuba feel at home.  What characteristics from Cuba do these immigrants bring to their new home in America? To learn more about them, see (ch): http://go.usa.gov/x9Dca 

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