
2017年01月13日 美国驻华大使馆

#大使亲笔信# 梅尔和我周一将离开中国。对我们来说,说再见不容易,即使我们知道我们还会回来。当我回想起近三年来我担任美国驻华大使的日子,许多美好的记忆浮现脑海,尤其是我们一路上遇到的所有美好的人。在这里工作让我感到荣幸,我们会再见的!在我们离开之前,这里有我们想对所有中国朋友说的特别的话.

#FromTheAmbassadorsDesk -  Mel and I depart China on Monday. It’s very hard for us to say goodbye, even though we know we will be back. As I think back over the nearly three years I’ve served as the U.S. Ambassador to China, so many great memories come to mind – especially all the wonderful people we’ve met along the way. It has been an honor to work here, and we will see you soon! Before we go, here is a special message for all of our friends in China.

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