
2017年01月19日 美国驻华大使馆

(photo credit: Friends of Little Saigon) 


#美国多样化#– 散居社区:越南社区。2016年对越南裔美国社群来说是重要的一年,因为历史上第一名越南裔美国妇女斯蒂芬妮·墨菲(Stephanie Murphy)当选为众议院议员。





#AmericanDiversity – Diaspora: Vietnamese Communities


2016 was a big year for the Vietnamese American community with the election of the first ever Vietnamese-American woman, Stephanie Murphy, to the House of Representatives. 

Like many Vietnamese immigrants to America, Murphy moved to the United States as a young child in 1979 as a war refugee. She was the first in her family to attend college and became a professor of business and worked as a national security specialist for the Department of Defense. 

Murphy will represent the 7th congressional district in Florida, where many Vietnamese Americans reside. There are also large populations of Vietnamese Americans in California, Texas, Washington, and Virginia. 

Vietnamese migration to the United States was closely linked to the Vietnam War, with large portion of first generation Vietnamese arriving between 1978 and 1996. There are 1.8 million Vietnamese Americans in the diaspora community.  

How have Vietnamese immigrants contributed to their new country?  To learn more about Stephanie Murphy, see (eng): https://stephaniemurphy.house.gov/ 

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