【2016逛美国】- 结语

2016年12月29日 美国驻华大使馆


2016美中旅游观光年是一场激动人心的历程!在过去一年中,你和我们一起足不出户地游遍美国各地,访问了全部50个州和华盛顿D.C.,以及50多座国家公园和历史遗迹。我们共同探索了美国的许多自然景观和不为人知的奇观,回忆了美国的宏伟历史时刻,并更多地了解了美国的文化、传统和人民。带你走遍了从南达科他州的恶地国家公园到西弗吉尼亚州的Gauley河国家游乐区,从科罗拉多州的梅萨维德国家公园到密苏里州的奥沙克国家风景区河道。我们一起旅行,从美国各地,正如伍迪·格斯(Woodie Guthrie)在备受珍视的美国歌曲中对美国的概括,我们唱到:“这片土地是你的土地;这片土地是我的土地,从加利福尼亚州到纽约岛;从红木森林到湾流水域。这块土地是为你我建造。”每个人都可以真正造访美国,我们欢迎你迈出这一步,制定旅行计划,并开始你自己的美国周游之旅!

Vacation, presidential style#Traveling Around the U.S. – SUMMARY

The 2016 U.S.-China Tourism Year has been a magnificent  adventure!  Over the past year, you have joined us as we have traveled  virtually around the USA, visiting all 50 states and Washington, D.C., as  well as more than 50 national parks and monuments.  Together, we have  explored many of America’s natural and hidden wonders, remembered moments of  her epic history, and learned more about her culture, traditions, and people.  Taking you from Badlands National Park in South Dakota to Gauley River  National Recreation Area in West Virginia, from Mesa Verde  National Park in Colorado to Ozarks National Scenic Riverway in  Missouri. We’ve journeyed together, from the four corners of the USA  which is encapsulated in the treasured American song by Woodie Guthrie, we  sing “This Land is your land; this land is my land, from California to the  New York island; from the redwood forest to the Gulf stream waters. This land  was made for you and me.” Truly traveling around the USA is indeed for  everyone, and we welcome you to take the leap, plan the trip, and embark upon  your own journey to travel around the USA!

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