
2017年01月03日 这里是英国






We have made a momentous decision and set ourselves on a new direction.And if 2016 was the year you voted for that change, this is the year we start to make it happen.


But I know too that as we face the opportunities ahead of us, our  shared  ambition can bring  us  together


These ambitions unite us, so that we are no longer the 52% who voted Leave and the 48% who voted Remain, but one  great  union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future.


We have a golden opportunity to  demonstrate that – to bring this country together as never before, so that whoever you are, wherever you live, our politics, economy and society  work  for  you,  not  just  a privileged  few.




The new year is a time to reflect on almost its past and to look ahead to  opportunities to come. And this year as I consider all that 2017 has installed I believe the opportunities are greater than ever. 


We have made a momentous decision and set ourselves on a new direction. And if 2016 was the year you voted for that change, this is the year we start to make it happen.

I know that the referendum last June was divisive at times. I know, of course, that not everyone shared the same point of view, or voted in the same way.


But I know too that as we face the opportunities ahead of us, our shared ambition can bring us together. 

We all want to see a Britain that is stronger than it is today. We all want a country that is fairer so that everyone has the chance to succeed. We all want a nation that is safe and secure for our children and grandchildren.

These ambitions unite us, so that we are no longer the 52% who voted Leave and the 48% who voted Remain, but one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future.


So, when I sit around the negotiating table in Europe this year, it will be with that in mind - the knowledge that I am there to get the right deal - not just for those who voted to Leave - but for every single person in this country.


Of course, the referendum laid bare some further divisions in our country - between those who are prospering, and those who are not; those who can easily buy their own home, send their children to a great school, find a secure job, and those who cannot; in short, those for whom our country works well, and those for whom it does not. 

This is the year we need to pull down these barriers that hold people back, securing a better deal at home for ordinary, working people.

The result will be a truely united Britain in which we are all united in our citizenship of this great nation, united and the opportunities are open to all the people. And united by the principle that it is only your talent and hard work that should determine your future. 


After all, it is through unity that our people have achieved great things: through our precious union of nations England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; through our union of people from sports teams to armed forces; businesses to charities; schools to hospitals; and, above all, through our union of communities and families.

Of course it is not big global events that define a year, it is personal things. 2017 might be the year you start your first job or buy your first home. It might be the year your children start school or go off to university or that you retire after a lifetime of hard work. These things like milestones are the things that defining us whoeve we are. 

As the fantastic MP Jo Cox, who was so tragically taken from us last year, put it: ‘We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us.’”

We have a golden opportunity to demonstrate that – to bring this country together as never before, so that whoever you are, wherever you live, our politics, economy and society work for you, not just a privileged few.





Just eight years ago, as I prepared to take office, our economy teetered on the brink of depression


Eight years later, you’ve told a different story


 Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago. 


 It was the result of tough choices we made, and the result of your hard work and resilience


Because that’s always been our story – the story of ordinary people coming together in the hard, slow, sometimes frustrating, but always vital work of self-government.


And as I prepare to take on the even more important role of citizen, know that I will be there with you every step of the way to ensure that this country forever strives to live up to the incredible promise of our founding.





Happy New Year, everybody.  At a time when we turn the page on one year and look ahead to the future, I just want to take a minute to thank you for everything you’ve done to make America stronger these past eight years.


Just eight years ago, as I prepared to take office, our economy teetered on the brink of depression.  Nearly 800,000 Americans were losing their jobs each month.  In some communities, nearly one in five folks were out of work.  Almost 180,000 troops were serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Osama bin Laden was still at large.  And on challenges from health care to climate change, we’d been kicking the can down the road for way too long.


Eight years later, you’ve told a different story.  We’ve turned recession into recovery.  Our businesses have created 15.6 million new jobs since early 2010 – and we’ve put more people back to work than all other major advanced economies combined.  A resurgent auto industry has added nearly 700,000 jobs, and is producing more cars than ever.  Poverty is falling.  Incomes are rising.  In fact, last year, folks’ typical household income rose by $2,800, that’s the single biggest increase on record, and folks at the bottom and middle saw bigger gains than those at the top.


Twenty million more Americans know the financial security of health insurance.  Our kids’ high school graduation rate is at an all-time high.  We’ve brought 165,000 troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and took out Osama bin Laden.  


Through diplomacy, we shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program, opened up a new chapter with the people of Cuba, and brought nearly 200 nations together around a climate agreement that could save this planet for our kids.  Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago.  And marriage equality is finally a reality from coast to coast.


We’ve made extraordinary progress as a country these past eight years.  And here’s the thing: none of it was inevitable.  It was the result of tough choices we made, and the result of your hard work and resilience.  And to keep America moving forward is a task that falls to all of us.  Sustaining and building on all we’ve achieved – from helping more young people afford a higher education, to ending discrimination based on preexisting conditions, to tightening rules on Wall Street, to protecting this planet for our kids – that’s going to take all of us working together.  Because that’s always been our story – the story of ordinary people coming together in the hard, slow, sometimes frustrating, but always vital work of self-government.



It has been the privilege of my life to serve as your President.  And as I prepare to take on the even more important role of citizen, know that I will be there with you every step of the way to ensure that this country forever strives to live up to the incredible promise of our founding – that all of us are created equal, and all of us deserve every chance to live out our dreams.  


From the Obama family to yours – have a happy and blessed 2017.


Уважаемые граждане России! Дорогие друзья!


2016 год уходит. Он был непростым, но трудности, с которыми мы столкнулись, сплотили нас, побудили открыть огромные резервы наших возможностей для движения вперед.


Главное – мы верим в себя, в свои силы, в свою страну. Мы работаем, работаем успешно, и у нас многое получается. Хотел бы искренне поблагодарить вас за победы и достижения, за понимание и доверие, за настоящую, сердечную заботу о России.


У нас огромная, уникальная и прекрасная страна! Нас объединяют общие заботы и общие радости, объединяет давняя, добрая традиция встречать Новый год в кругу семьи, с надеждой на самое лучшее.


Но не все сегодня за праздничным столом. Немало наших граждан, в том числе и вдали от родного дома, обеспечивают безопасность России, работают на предприятиях и дежурят в больницах, ведут поезда и самолеты. Всем, кто выполняет сейчас свой трудовой и ратный долг, мои самые добрые пожелания в наступающем году.


Дорогие друзья!


Сейчас мы с волнением ждем боя курантов Московского Кремля и как никогда отчетливо слышим ход времени, чувствуем, как приближается будущее. 


Такое бывает только в эти минуты, в этот чудесный, всеми любимый праздник. А у него есть и свои секреты. Например, каждый из нас в новогоднюю ночь может стать немного волшебником. Для этого просто нужно с любовью и благодарностью относиться к родителям, окружать вниманием и заботой своих детей, свою семью, уважать коллег по работе, беречь дружбу, защищать правду и справедливость, быть милосердными, помогать тем, кто ждет поддержки. Вот и весь секрет.


Пусть сбудутся все наши мечты, чистые помыслы и добрые намерения. Пусть в каждом доме царят радость и любовь. 



Пусть становятся краше и привлекательнее дорогие нашему сердцу улицы, города и поселки.


Мира и процветания нашей общей, великой Родине – России. Счастья вам и здоровья, благополучия.



С праздником! С Новым, 2017 годом!






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