
2017年08月15日 美国驻华大使馆

2017 年8月24日(星期四),上午18:30--20:30研究生申请中如何靠个人陈述脱颖而出


研究生申请中,最让人无从把握,让人心生畏惧的估计就是个人陈述了。一篇优秀的个人陈述可以让你在研究生申请中华丽逆袭,脱颖而出,变不可能为可能。8月24日EducationUSAChina 为你讲述研究生申请中个人陈述的成功要诀,欢迎参加!



August 24,2017, Thursday, 18:30 am—20:30 pm Graduate Application: Howto Make Your Personal Statement Stand out

In graduate schoolapplications, your personal statement is often seen as the most elusive andintimidating piece to prepare. An appealing personal statement can make yourgraduate school application stand out, helping to make the impossible possible.On August 24th, EducationUSA China will elaborate how to write a successfulpersonal 

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