
2017年08月17日 美国驻华大使馆

#EducationUSA 说专业# 说到环境类专业,大家会想到什么?日益严重的大气污染、水污染等环境问题?亟需保护的动植物居住环境?探索人和自然的和谐发展?都对,但并非全部。环境类专业涉及到多个学科,大致分为环境科学和环境研究方向,前者一般需要数理化背景,后者偏重于社会、历史、政治背景的学习。举个例子来说,如果发生了一起管道原油泄漏事件,污染了湖水,环境科学专业会研究有多少原油泄漏,会在多大程度上影响生态系统,对附近动植物的环境危害风险有多大等等;而环境研究专业会探讨该事件的经济和社会影响,相关的法律法规是否被遵守,如何敦促政府立法避免类似事件再次发生。你呢?你想在其中扮演一个什么样的角色呢?





#EducationUSA Talking Majors# Environmental Science and Studies 

What comes to mind for you when talking about environmental majors? Solving deteriorating environmental problems related to air and water? Dedicating habitat conservation for animals and plants in urgent need of protection? Doing research on harmonious development between nature and humans? Yes. But these answers are not complete.  Environmental majors are interdisciplinary and generally divided into two categories: Environmental Science and Environmental Studies. The former prefers a mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology background, the latter provides a broadly integrated understanding of social, political and historical facts. For example, imagine an oil spill in a lake caused by an equipment malfunction, a situation an Environmental Sciences major might examine by asking how much oil was spilled, how it will affect environmental systems, and what is the environmental risk of the spill to humans, animals, and habitats. Conversely, an Environmental Studies major might ask what the economic and social impacts are of the spill, and what policies, laws, and regulations are in place that were/were not followed in this situation, or how (s)he can work with local government to improve the situation. What about you? What role do you want to play?

To know more about this prospective career, please log in at https://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-social-science/environmental-scientists-and-specialists.htm

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