
2017年08月16日 美国本科留学

美国著名励志演讲家艾瑞克·D·托马斯 (Eric D. Thomas)受邀回高中母校去作一场公益演讲,但台下的学生一直嬉戏打闹......忍无可忍的他终于在台上爆发。而他接下来的一段话,让台下的同学们鸦雀无声!






Eric Thomas在高中母校的演讲稿双语版

To think about what I am saying. I am not playing now and this is why I get so frustrated. Somebody is still talking. Come on!


Bro, I promise you. I love you bro. Listen to me very closely, they pay me $50,000 to $100,000 when I speak to corporations in America. I go to a basketball program, they pay me good.


I ain’t getting a dime here. I am here because I love you, but I’ll be darn if I come here for free and you disrespect me.


I ain’t 20 years old; I ain’t 19 years old. I am a grown man. I am here because I love you. I’m here because I love you all. They ain’t pay me a dime. As a matter of fact, I came to use my influence to raise money. So a group of kids can go to Costa Rica.


I am not here to get none. I am here to give you some. I am not here to take none from you. I am here to give you something.


And listen to me closely. When people love you, you don’t do them like dirt. When people care for you, you don’t disrespect them. You ain’t got, but a few people who care about you in this world.


Did you hear what I just say? If you're in the wrong place, you gonna get shot and killed. Nobody's going to go to jail for it. So the few people who you do have that care, you can’t treat them like garbage.


You can’t disrespect the people that are trying to look out for you, because you ain’t got a lot of them. Dudes, look me up. You ain't getting a lot of dudes that come do what I do, that are coming to your school.


Not disrespect. The dudes you're listening to, you're listening My Man and jamming to his album. He ain’t coming here, and I just heard we had a rapper here last night. How many schools did he go to?


How many elementary schools he came and took your money, but he didn’t have investment back to you. And you have the nerve to laugh and joke when teachers are trying to teach you?


You got the nerve to act a fool when somebody cares about you. You’re talking while I'm talking.


Do you know, if I go to a Jewish school, the kids are quiet? If I go to a white school, the kids're quiet. If I go to a Latino school they’re quiet, the only kids that disrespect me is black kids.That’s it, my own are the only ones that disrespect me.


I walk in any other school they like, they go "E.T, we're taking notes". I come home, you’re talking. You’re telling jokes. You think something funny.


Look how we living, ain’t nothing funny, ain’t nothin’ funny, you all? When I got my PhD what embarrassed me... I am in there and they're asking me what’s wrong with our urban schools? I was like, why are you asking me? I’m in class, just like you’re in class.


Every other teachers want to know; professors want to know; why are your kids? What’s the problem in the school system? I'm embarrassed, you all.



I’m a grown man and I’m embarrassed when they talk about you all. And you know why I’m embarrassed? Because what they don’t know is that you ain’t even trying when you take the test.

当大家谈起你们的时候,我是个成人我都觉得丢脸。 你们知道我为什么觉得丢脸吗?那是因为老师和教授们都不知道,你们其实根本就没把心思放在课业上。

You didn’t give your best. They think you’re dumb. You ain’t dumb.


They take our people from Africa and put us in a diaspora and spread us all over the world. We survived slavery and we can’t pass a test. Come on. I ain’t stupid.


They take everything from us and we still survive. And you want to tell me you can’t learn how to write? Have you lost your mind?! We are survivors! That all we do is survive.


Hey, you gonna come and tell me you can’t take a test. No, you could take the test. The problem is when you take the test, you barely take the test.


I challenge you to go in there and get that piece of paper and that pencil and do your best. I challenge you.


I challenge you to go to class like you got some sense. You know how to sit down and shut up.


You do it when you’re watching videos? So listen to me, you’re mine. Despite that other voice's telling me that I would never get a PhD, I did it anyway.


When you lose, do me a favor, don’t die, not try.








不幸的孩子往往来自这10种不健康的中国家庭, 你是其中一种吗?


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