上一场雅思考试的“怪题”,到底该怎么写?A类考场范文出炉~ 赶紧收了吧!不用谢哟!

2017年08月09日 无忧小雅哥


Academic Task 2 Sample Essay

In some parts of the world, it is becoming popular to find out the history of one's own family. Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?

A trend of finding out one’s own family history and heritage is emerging across the globe. There are many reasons behind this and in my opinion, this trend is a positive development.

[Key Vocabulary]

emerge: Vi. 浮现,暴露;

e.g.: The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

across the globe: 世界各地

e.g.: Differences in economic outlook across the globe will sharpen the regional flavour of investment activity.

People feel driven to gain insights into their family and its history for personal reasons of learning more about themselves. Family history is a part of one’s identity and plays an important role in attributing specific characteristics to one’s personality, beliefs and values. Further, individuals feel inclined towards knowing their personal heritage as the link to their past provides them with intimate knowledge as well as guidance for decision making. For example, many people in India base their career decisions on their ancestry. If their older generations were doctors, they feel a connection with this career path and the need to follow the legacy left by their family members.

[Key Vocabulary]

gain an insight into: 了解,熟悉,看透

e.g.: Students will also gain an insight into financing, legislation, marketing and technology.

incline towards: 倾向,偏向

e.g.: incline towards a belief

intimate knowledge: 固定搭配,详细的知识,精通某事

e.g.: his intimate knowledge of the coal industry

ancestry: n. 祖先,血统

e.g.: Helen’s family can trace their ancestry back to the 1700s.

Moreover, knowing one’s own family’s past is advantageous. By getting exposed to one’s own history people are able to feel involved and keep their family tree connected. Furthermore, knowing one’s own family heritage allows the passage of culture, traditions as well as knowledge from one generation to another. For example, many people from the early twentieth century saw and experienced World War I and these people can relay extremely important information to their younger family members on the traumatic effects and aftermaths of war to carry on the notion of peace. 

[Key Vocabulary]

get exposed to: 暴露于,面临,接触

e.g.: And as the kid grow up, they get exposed to things that may be offputting(令人不愉快的).

family tree: n. 家谱

e.g.: However, the new fossils come from a very different part of the dinosaur family tree.

aftermath: n. (战争、风暴、事故等的)后果,余波

e.g.: the danger of disease in the aftermath of the earthquake 

notion: n. 概念,观点,见解

e.g.: She had only a vague notion of what she wanted to do. 

In conclusion, the spread of learning about family history to many places around the world stems from one’s personal need for knowing oneself better, and I believe it is a positive development as it enables the handover of culture and knowledge across generations.

[Key Vocabulary]

handover: n.移交

e.g.: The president will remain in office until the official handover in April.


























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