
2017年08月16日 美国驻华大使馆

#EducationUSA 说专业# 如果你喜欢石头或收藏石头(化石)、喜欢户外工作或者野营、钓鱼、远足,还喜欢大型机械,并且具有领导力和团队合作精神、数学好、擅长数据分析、有空间感、足够耐心,那么不妨考虑采矿和采矿工程专业(Mining & Mineral Engineering)。上美国大学理事会的网站www.collegeboard.org,你可以搜索到设有采矿和采矿工程专业相关专业的美国高校。



#EducationUSA Talking Majors# - Mining & Mineral Engineering Major

If you like rocks and rock collecting, fossil collecting, working outdoors rather than in an office, camping, fishing, hiking, the prospect of working with large complex equipment, and if you are good at leadership and teamwork, math, quantitative analysis, special thinking and have patience, why not consider studying Mining & Mineral Engineering? At the College Board website, www.collegeboard.org, you may search for institutions offering a Mining & Mineral Engineering major.

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