
2018年01月12日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


      After Christmas’s holiday, the students had their final exam. January 11th and 12th, the students orderly went into the classroom to start their final exam. The  grade 10 students took the English and science exam, the  grade 11 students took biology and math exam, and the  grade 12 students took English and physics exam on January 11th, The  grade 10 students took the math exam, the  grade 11 students took English exam, and the  grade 12 students took math and chemistry exam on January 12th. This was also the large- scale exam scine the entrance of the high school. During the exam, the students followed the rules of exams and checked every item carefully.


      Hope everyone can get a good mark and make a perfect ending for this semester.



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