【EducationUSA活动】1月18日(星期四),晚6:30-8:30, 浅谈美国大学的早申请

2018年01月04日 美国驻华大使馆

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2018118日(星期四),晚6:30-8:30, 浅谈美国大学的早申请

什么是 earlyactionearly decision? 这两种早申形式的异同是什么?谁适合申请ED EA 以及早申请的优势是什么?带着这些问题,欢迎来参加我们本月18号在北京美国中心举办的讲座我们和两位早申成功的学生一起面对面为大家讲解早申的优势和注意事项。欢迎大家积极报名参加!


Jan 18, 2018, Thursday, 18:30-20:30pm, Early Action and Early Decision

What are early action and early decision? What are their differences? Who can apply to an ED or EA and the benefits ofapplying early? With these questions, please come to our information on Jan 18th to learn about the advantages of applying early and details needing attention.Two successful students will share their experiences at the session.  Wewelcome your participation! Register, please log on: https://www.educationusachina.com/node/2125

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